News Release
August 20, 2004
Contact: Blair Bobier, Media Director at 541.929.5755 or 414.364.1596
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With a twenty foot tall George Bush doll -- complete with Pinocchio nose -- looming near-by, Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb will speak at the "A Green World is Possible" festival on Saturday, August 28, in Manhattan's Washington Square Park., at approximately 3:10 and 4:40 p.m. Thousands of people are expected to participate in the festival which will feature speakers, music and a place for people to make protest signs for the United for Peace and Justice March which will be held the following day.
Besides Cobb, other speakers include Global Exchange founder Medea Benjamin; Efia Nwangaza, Green Party U.S. Senate candidate from South Carolina; and the Green mayor of New Paltz, New York, Jason West, who made international headlines when he officiated at gay weddings.
On Tuesday night, August 31, Cobb will debate fellow Texan, Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik at 7 p.m., at St. Raphael's Church, 502 W. 41st St.
David Cobb is the long-time Green activist and fiery public speaker who bested Ralph Nader for the Green Party's support for president. Running mate Pat LaMarche is a former Maine gubernatorial candidate and social justice advocate who will be in New York for Sunday's March and protest.
"A Green World is Possible" is sponsored by local and national Green Party organizations. The festival will celebrate the "four pillars" of the international Green movement: non-violence, ecology, grassroots democracy and social and economic justice. For more festival information, call the Manhattan Green Party office at 212.240.0501 or visit
Interviews with David Cobb and Pat LaMarche can be arranged by contacting Blair Bobier, Cobb-LaMarche Media Coordinator, at 541.929.5755 or 414.364.1596.
More Information:
Cobb-LaMarche campaign
Green Party