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Aug. 25 Premiere - Revolution with Bob Avakian

Chicago Film Premiere - Revolution with Bob Avakian, August 25, 7:00 PM, 3 Penny Cinema, 2424 N. Lincoln Ave., $10, 773-489-0930.
“Revolution: Why It’s Necessary • Why It’s Possible • What’s It All About” is a Three Q Productions film of a talk by Bob Avakian premiering in Chicago on Aug. 25, 7:00 PM, at 3 Penny Cinema, 2424 N. Lincoln Ave. The talk is is a wide-ranging revolutionary journey covering many topics. It breaks down the very nature of the society we live in and how humanity has come to a time when a radically different society is possible. Bob Avakian is a creative and wide-ranging thinker and the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Tickets are available at Revolution Books, 1103 N. Ashland Ave., 773-489-0930 and at 57th Street Books, 1301 E. 57th Street, 773-684-1300. Also visit

"As an avowed anarchist, and a committed anti-capitalist, I try to learn from the lessons of history in order to devise better tactics, and recognize viable strategies for overthrowing capitalism. And while I'm an anarchist, I do recognize that in 1917 a small group of revolutionaries did achieve one of, if not the, greatest anti-capitalist transformations in world history. Indeed the Bolshevik Revolution thrilled millions of anti-capitalist anarchists around the world when it occurred, including Emma Goldman. The October revolution was led by a brilliant geo-political analyst, Vladimir Lenin. Having watched this video, I'd say if Lenin were alive today, he'd sound a lot like Bob Avakian. ” [Alan Minsky, Senior Producer at KPFK in Los Angeles and co-founder of the LA Independent Media Center]

"Avakian offers a full plan for revolutionary transformation, and he gets the attention of Black Americans right away on these four DVDs in his passionate discussion of lynching, police brutality, racial profiling and issues pertinent to African Americans.” [Herb Boyd, Amsterdam News]

“Just like landmark art work or historically seminal music Bob Avakian's delivery and timing is truly inspiring. The only thing more inspiring is the vision and message he presents to us. Avakian is a revolutionary leader whose voice must be heard far and wide today.” [Wil-Dog, Jiro and Uli from Ozomatli]



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