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Commentary :: Peace

Still the Same: Bush Hypes Terror, Kerry Apes Bush, US Losing in Iraq

Going away for a week changes nothing. Bush has decided to make orange the color of his campaign, Kerry continues to campaign as the friendlier Bush, and America is sinking deeper into the Iraq quagmire.
One of the nice things about going on vacation for a week is coming back to find that there have been dramatic changes in the world—especially if the news is for the better.

No such luck for me. I left Aug. 1, with the U.S. at war in Iraq, with Bush hyping the War on Terror and with Kerry trying to act like Bush. I came back Aug. 7 to find Bush hyping terror even harder than ever with the national alert upped to Orange, probably for the rest of the campaign, with Kerry still trying to out-Bush Bush, and with the U.S. army still at war in Iraq, only more so.

Since the Orange Alert is clearly bogus and just another effort to get Americans all in a tizzy in time for the Republican National Convention, the big news has to be that once again the Mahdi Army and its leader, Moktada al-Sadr, have demonstrated that the American occupation of Iraq is a failure waiting to be recognized.

Arrayed against the most powerful military machine the world has ever known, al-Sadr’s untrained fighters, with their hand weapons, have held their ground, forcing the U.S. to resort to bombs and heavy weapons to maintain any control at all in Najaf. Other cities in Iraq—as many as five, not counting Fallujah, which is controlled by Sunni fighters—and a large section of Baghdad itself, are controlled by Shite militiamen and are simply off limits to American soldiers, and to the puppet army being set up by American forces to take the bullets in battles with insurgents.

As usual, the U.S. is boasting that it is causing massive casualties among the enemy—over 300 at last count, with only a couple of U.S. soldiers getting killed. But with al-Sadr claiming to have lost only 40 of his fighters, it’s a safe bet that as has often been proven to be the case later on, many of those 300 casualties claimed by the U.S. will probably turn out to have been innocent civilians caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What such fighting demonstrates is that the U.S. cannot win this battle.

For the rest of this column, please go (at no charge) to This Can't Be Happening! .




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