News :: Civil & Human Rights
Bush Blocks Medical Students
It has now been just over four years since he first group of US students were sent off to Cuba as a part of a training program that was offered by Cuba's Ministry of Health (MINSAP). This was their addition to a school only for foreign nationals that was born out of the turmoil of Hurricanes George and Mitch in 1999 that devastated much of Latin America.
MINSAP, at President Fidel Castro's suggestion, provided the facilities, the faculty and even lodging for those qualified candidates from Latin America to attend the Latin American School of Medicine (LAMS). LAMS was quickly expanded to include several countries in South America and Africa. By 2000, over 5000 students were enrolled for a six year training period that led to an MD degree that would be honored by the countries of origin. This was all intended to provide them with much needed health professionals.