Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Forum * The RNC, and Beating Back the Bush Agenda

MILLIONS ARE fed up with George Bush’s attacks on ordinary people and civil liberties at home and war and occupations abroad. Thousands are planning to protest the Republican National Convention in late August in New York City.
Protest the RNC!

And attend the ISO forum on…

* Against gay marriage
* Tax cuts for the rich
* Continuing the occupation of Iraq

…featured speakers…

BILL DAVIS president of International Association of Machinists Lodge 701, member of Veterans for Peace*

MADISON HOBLEY (invited) exonerated former Illinois death row inmate, member of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty *

NICOLE COLSON reporter for Socialist Worker newspaper *

SCOTT LABODA member of Chicago Equal Marriage Now!

*organizations listed for identification purposes only


7pm Wednesday, August 11
University of Illinois-Chicago
750 S. Halsted
Latino Cultural Center


MILLIONS ARE fed up with George Bush’s attacks on ordinary people and civil liberties at home and war and occupations abroad. Thousands are planning to protest the Republican National Convention in late August in New York City. But what should we do after the protests? Should we vote for John Kerry, even though he voted for the war and the USA Patriot Act? What is the next step for people fed up with the Bush agenda?

Join the International Socialist Organization and other activists to discuss why we should go to New York to protest the Republican National Convention, and discuss what to after that, in November and beyond.


GET ON THE BUS! For round-trip tickets to the August 29th march against the Bush agenda call 312-458-9380.


THIS FORUM is sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. Publishers of Socialist Worker. Available online at



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