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Study Says Elites, Fluff Dominates WTTW's "Chicago Tonight"

The local media watchdog group Chicago Media Action has released a comprehensive analysis of WTTW's flagship public affairs program, Chicago Tonight, and the results paint a picture of bias and exclusion. The report, "Chicago Tonight: Elites, Affluence and Advertising", has found that the majority of WTTW/CT stories are actually infotainment news -- and the majority of guests are advocates for the business community, political elites and advertisers. Blacks, Latinos, union members and reformers were a miniscule percentage of guests over the study period, particularly on topics related to business, the economy, politics and elections.

'Public' stations like WTTW are supposed to provide an alternative to commercial broadcasting, something CMA's study suggests the station is failing abysmally to do. CMA is encouraging local residents to contact WTTW about the lack of diversity in "Chicago Tonight", and has set up a webpage that allows viewers to send their message directly to the station. Read more.

Check out the study. | Contact WTTW.




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