Bush plan for Iraq is years of civil war
President Bush's speech of May 24, 2004 proclaimed that his solution to the Iraq problem will be to instigate a perpetural civil war. The US will train Iraqis to kill other Iraqis.
By Richard Geffken
[This article was published in: The New Unionist, July/August 2004.]
President Bush’s speech of May 24, 2004 proclaimed that his solution to the Iraq problem will be to instigate a perpetual civil war.
The US will train Iraqis to kill other Iraqis, after indoctrinating them that free-market economics, and a judicial system to enforce the sanctification of property this requires, are a greater good than belief in Allah and traditional Iraqi values.
America has employed this technique before. It worked in Nicaragua, and in Colombia it has, so far, kept the rebels in an inferior position.
The most notable of many failures was Vietnam. US-paid South Vietnamese troops were executed as traitors by their own people. US embassy staff had to be evacuated by helicopter at the last minute. Boatloads of US collaborators made their way to the US and Australia for asylum.
Bush’s policy of creating “elite Iraqi military units” to exterminate those opposed to US policy guarantees years of slaughter. It will last until US money gives out, or those peaceful people we’ve now transformed into an entire nation of “terrorists” convert to US political thought.
No doubt, whichever side wins it will exterminate the “traitors” who served the opposing side.
For Bush and the corporate media the “traitors” will be those stopping the elite Iraqi mercenary units from enforcing the laws the US demands all Iraqis obey. Most all Iraqis, however, do not share Bush’s view and will define treason differently.
Bush and his team have brought Iraq the gift of perpetual civil war. They have brought the US a future filled with boatloads of Iraqi refugees.
“Those unable to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.’
All it takes is a president who never managed to get good grades in school, and never paid attention to current events.