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News :: Protest Activity

RNC Update: Breaking News: It's Official, UFP&J Caves. Anonymous Alternate Call Issued

Latest developments from NYC
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Despite 75% of New Yorkers believing that United for Peace and Justice should hold its August 29th rally in Central Park, today the organization caved in to city demands to use the West Side highway.

"We need to move on, so we decided to take the high road here," said Leslie Cagan, leader of United for Peace and Justice, at a City Hall news conference.

Meanwhile, an anonymous call has been issued to go to Central Park on the morning of August 29th.
"Come to Central Park on the morning of August 29th, gather in affinity groups at a location of your choosing (see a preliminary menu below), and do your thing from there – a feeder march to the "official" protest, arts in action, a people's park picnic, whatever.

We are aware of the importance of the days of action being planned for August 30 and 31, and of all of us being able to stay in the streets for as long as possible. So we encourage people to play it as safe as possible for the morning, and to keep in mind that any gathering of over 20 people may be grounds for early roundups. ...

Another A29 is possible. We declare that all of our city will be a free speech zone that day." Read the full article



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