The Pink Bloque will be having a benefit to go to RNC on August 15th at the Empty Bottle
Two Party System got you down? Well here is a party you can get behind!
Pink Bloque's Putting the Party Back in Party Fundraiser
9:00 p.m. – 2 a.m. Sunday, August 15th, 2004 at the Empty Bottle
1035 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL
$7 suggested donation.
--DJs: B, The Mayor, Mary Nisi, and Very Moonlight.
--A Bake Sale!
--A raffle including prizes such as: a panty party at G Boutique, one-year subscriptions to Bust, Bitch, and In These Times, gift certificates to Rodan and Reckless Records, a massage, posters from Just Seeds and much more
--And the kick ass dance party you expect from a Pink Bloque fundraiser
This fundraiser is to help the Pink Bloque organize to go to the Republican National Convention and participate in the massive rally on August 29th in New York City.
‘Cause we’re not in denial when we know we’re not happy here, The Pink Bloque is participating in the rally to challenge the white supremacist capitalist patriarchal empire [including the Bush administration].
While we know that Democratic as well as Republican administrations have put forth racist, sexist, and wholly wack policies that have oppressed people all over the globe, we feel that Bush and his army of haters has pushed the wack quotient over the edge!
It is bad enough we live in a country where there are basically two ruling parties to choose from [neither of which is a radical dance party for social and economic justice for all], this administration has repealed women’s access to reproductive health care all over the world, decimated the education system such that most children will be left behind, spearheaded two unjust wars that have killed thousands of people --- and that is the tip of the ice-cold iceberg of Bush’s policies. We gotta get that Bush off our shoulders !!!!
So come out and shake that Ashcroft!
For more information contact
chonky (at) or visit these websites: