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Congress to Hear E-bomb Threatens Existence of Civil Society

On July 22, the Graham Commission gives its long-awaited report to the House Armed Services Committee, and an advance briefing shows that it says the electromagnetic pulse bomb, or E-bomb, can threaten the continued existence of civil society in the United States.

It's not a pipe dream or red herring, as a secret Russian test (see below) shows. Please read the article accompanying the photo before you pooh-pooh this: <>


A well placed nuclear detonation high over the United States could damage electrical and electronic facilities over the entire continental US.

In the US Congress on July 22, 2004, the House Armed Services Committee will hear the long-awaited report of the Graham Commission, which was established in the fiscal year 2001. The commission is expected to tell Congress that high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) is one of the few threats that can hold at risk the continued existence of civil society in the United States.

The usual means of shielding to keep electromagnetic radiations either in or out is steel sheet metal. However, conductive concrete is more effective than sheet metal at the high frequencies involved in HEMP attacks and intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI), which might be used by terrorists. A US Department of Defense test showed that conductive concrete is more effective than standard metal shielding for all frequencies over 25 megahertz.


The world's earliest public pavement (a road bridge) made of conductive concrete was installed in Roca, Nebraska, in summer of 2002 by the Nebraska Department of Roads. It has successfully melted snow and ice on a road bridge leading to a railroad crossing, and protects cars from sliding into trains. It was successfully tested in the winter of 2002-2003 and was fully operational in the winter of 2003-2004.

Besides improving safety, the heated road bridge is economical to operate and should last longer because it obviates the need for salting the bridge. Unlike salt, it even works at below-zero temperatures. Photos and details of this and many other uses of the new concrete are at conductive concrete dot com.

The military might soon use a less resistive version (the heating is resistive heating) for keeping stray electromagnetic radiations from computer equipment inside secure facilities and away from prying eyes and ears. This use is referred to TEMPEST or emissisions security, EMSEC.

Still another shielding application is to keep harmful radio-frequency interference, RFI (sometimes known as IEMI) out of critical facilities such as military command and control, underground bunkers for emergency government operations, critical commercial and financial facilities, and top-level Internet nodes. The conductive concrete site has photos of a proposed TEMPEST facility, an actual underground bunker, and an article on a Russian high-altitude nuclear test that blew every fuse and surge protector on a 550-kilometer communications line. See the test report and map at <> .

The usual means of shielding to keep electromagnetic radiations either in or out is steel sheet metal. However, conductive concrete is more effective than sheet metal at the high frequencies involved in HEMP attacks and intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI), which might be used by terrorists. A US Department of Defense test showed that conductive concrete is more effective than standard metal shielding for all frequencies over 25 megahertz.

Clayton Hallmark
hallmark_cl (at) hallmark_cl (at)>">



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