~Nader fails to move Democrats to the left ~Interview with David Moberg, senior editor, In These Times, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Kerry Campaign Works to Hold On to Progressive Voters
Nader fails to move Democrats to the left
Interview with David Moberg, senior editor, In These Times, conducted by Scott Harris
Sen. John Kerry's choice of John Edwards as his vice presidential running mate, has excited many in the Democratic party who had backed the North Carolina Senator's primary campaign for the nomination. But polls indicate that his presence on the ticket hasn't made much of a difference in the close race between Kerry and President Bush.
The Democrats, who will gather in Boston for their nominating convention from July 26 - 29, will need to take advantage of their prime time exposure to better define what Kerry and Edwards stand for. Both candidates supported the congressional resolution authorizing Bush's war with Iraq and offer only minor differences with White House policy on the war. Although Ralph Nader did not win the Green party endorsement, the anti-war presidential candidate is running on the Reform Party slate and is struggling to overcome challenges by Democratic activists to get on other state ballots. Press reports indicate that a number of Republican Party funders are now contributing to Nader's campaign, a move Democrats assert is designed to draw votes away from Kerry.
Between the Lines' Scott Harris spoke with David Moberg, senior editor with the Chicago-based weekly "In These Times," who assesses the Kerry campaign's strengths and weaknesses and how it's relating to progressive voters.
Read David Moberg's columns online
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