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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Aug 14 Progressive contingent at Bud Billiken day parade

For the last eight years, there has been a leftist-progressive contingent at the Bud Billiken day parade with big banners saying "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Stop Police Brutality".
For the last eight years, there has been a leftist-progressive contingent at the Bud Billiken day parade with big banners saying "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Stop Police Brutality". These contingents need to be larger and more diverse. Chicagoland Anarchist Network is inviting anyone interested in freedom to participate in the activities.

Show up Saturday Aug 14 - bring water, sunscreen, percussion instruments, and high spirits. Exact time and location will be announced after the 7th. For more information call 773-561-5073 leaving a message for Neal Rysdahl.



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