LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality
Local Gays Elated Over President's Defeat In Senate
Will Celebrate With Rally And March @ 7:00 PM Tonight @ Halstead & Roscoe, Chicago
CHICAGO -- July 14, 2004 -- Despite a concerted campaign by Senate Republicans to promote an anti-gay amendment to the Constitution, the amendment went down to humiliating defeat today as it failed to get the 60 votes necessary to bring cloture to debate on the issue.
Local pro-gay activists in the Equal Marriage NOW! coalition will celebrate this rare Congressional victory over George Bush with a rally at 7 PM tonight, at the corner of Halsted and Roscoe (800 W./ 3400 N.), in the heart of Chicago's gay nightclub district.
"We must celebrate this important victory and use it as a stepping stone to win full legal equality for our community," said Glenn Amoroso, a spokesperson with the Equal Marriage NOW! coalition. "Today's vote shows that George Bush and other politicians who oppose gay marriage CAN be defeated. But however elated we are over this victory, we must also point out that the threat of a Constitutional Amendment remains, as hateful Senators can always re-introduce the measure in subsequent sessions."
"We denounce the proposed 'Federal Marriage Amendment' as a thinly veiled attempt to formally stigmatize gay people as second class citizens, with second-class legal rights and second-class access to government services and benefits. True justice on this issue will not be achieved until Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people can marry whom we choose in every state and territory of the union."
Equal Marriage NOW! has emerged as the preeminent Chicago area coalition of activists organizing for equal marriage rights, hosting a series of rallies denouncing local officials' refusal to begin issuing marriage licenses for same sex couples.
We hope to see you this evening!