Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Support for Low Power FM needed: Call Peter Fitzgerald today!

A petition campaign is underway to help create over 1000 new low-power FM radio stations across the United States. The petition helped build momentum in Washington, and the legislation is now heading to a Senate Committee that includes a Senator from Illinois.

We have a key opportunity now to support the efforts of Low Power broadcasters from Illinois by calling Senator Peter Fitzgerald's office right now, at 202-224-2854. This is the most effective way to influence members of Congress (if you're not a lobbyist and actually count yourself as a member of the human race). Tell the office that you are an Illinois constituent and that you're calling to support Senate Bill 2505 -- the expansion of Low Power FM radio nationwide.

Please forward this notice on to your friends. Thanks a million.



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