Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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July 18: Activists To Stage First International Disability Pride Parade in Chicago

People with disabilities, their families and supporters will gather from across the region this Sunday, July 18 for the inaugural nationwide Disability Pride Parade -? part of a week of actions to celebrate people with disabilities and build their fight for rights and dignity. Step-off is at noon from Solidarity Drive near the Museum Campus, with a post-parade celebration on Soldier Field's Stadium Green from 1-4 p.m.

Participating groups include Access Living and Chicago?s mighty ADAPT chapter, which led the March 20 anti-war march to mark the one-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Vietnam Veterans Against the War is supplying a rally speaker and a marching contingent at the request of organizers, who have seen a growing number of vets join their community in the wake of injuries they've received in the war in Iraq. And organizers have extended an open invitation to the public: everyone who believes that Disability is a natural part of human diversity and supports Disability Pride is invited to be a part of the parade. Find out more.




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