Online petition to protest Democratic Party Efforts to Keep Nader-Camejo off the ballot.
Online petition to protest Democratic Party Efforts to Keep Nader-Camejo off the ballot.
To: Green Party Members and Supporters
The following statement was issued July 13, 2004 by leaders of the Green Party throughout the United States supporting the Nader/Camejo ticket in 2004
The undersigned Green Party members protest the campaign against the voters by Democratic Party operatives trying to keep Ralph Nader & Peter Miguel Camejo off the ballot.
These Democrats seek to prevent voters from hearing an anti-war, anti-Patriot Act choice that defends our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and supports the rights and health of working people.
The Democrats are backing a candidate that supports the war, wants additional troops sent to the Middle East, voted for the Patriot Act,and other critical pro-Bush policies. In choosing John Kerry as their standard bearer the Democrats go against the majority views of their ownparty that are closer to the positions defended by Nader/Camejo for peace and justice.
The Democrats along with the Republicans have steadfastly refused to allow run off elections such as IRV (Instant Run Off Voting) that would allow people to be free to vote for the candidate they support, would avoid a so-called spoiler effect allowing the will of the electorate to be respected.
This decision not to pass IRV is not accidental. They oppose free elections. They have saddled our nation with one of the most undemocratic money dominated electoral system in the world. They do not want the people to be able to openly express their views or to be free to organize alternative choices. Yet 25% of the people are no longer even registered Democrat or Republican and 100 million voters do not vote.
The polls indicate approximately ten million people are supporting Nader/Camejo. These voters are primarily independent voters and youth. We the undersigned join with these millions of voters who want to vote for peace, civil liberties and a better life for Americans and the world's people in our support for the Nader/Camejo ticket.
We call on all Americans of all political parties who support our call for free and clean elections, for opening up the electoral system for counting every vote, to help us get Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo on the ballot and to demand they be included in all televised debates.
The Undersigned