Review :: Elections & Legislation
Burn, Baby, burn: A Review of Fahrenheit 9/11
Micheal Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 is a documentary everyone should see. Pundits on the far right and in the corporate media who insist this film is "liberal propaganda" are absolutely correct; if propaganda is the connective tissue which makes relevant facts accessible to the average person, then yes, this is certainly propaganda. That it stands alone as possibly the sole example of progressive commentary which has reached a mass audience lately is not only a testament to Moore’s genius, it is also a symptom the parched ideological landscape to be found in 21st century American media. Disney, who had originally been contracted to distribute it, declined upon learning of the films’ content. Of course the capitalists don’t like it; not only does it expose several unsavory examples of conflict of interest at the highest levels of the current administration, it is executed in the peculiarly effective manner Moore perfected in his previous films, Roger And Me and Bowling For Columbine.
The material mined by Mr. Moore will not be news to many in progressive circles.