Young Ali is attending a journalism conference in Milwaukee.
She walked by a protest on her lunch break and joined in.
George Orwell ["you are there"] eat your heart out.
Four protesters became six when Young Ali and a Chicago high
school friend of hers gave up some of their lunch break to
join in holding signs and passing out flyers.
They're at Marquette University today, tomorrow and the rest
of the week attending an Urban journalism conference.
What Young Ali and her friend from Chicago just taught themselves
here on Wisconsin avenue from their hands on experience passing
out flyers and holding signs is known in the business as "advocacy
journalism." It's as old as the profession itself really. Although
I don't expect much of this discipline [or genre] to be taught
inside a classroom setting this week. Or any week. It's seldom
taught in any "legit" settings and you often have to go searching
for it in historical OR contemporary contexts.
Perhaps look up the following when you get home from these
sessions. (or at the computer lab maybe? hint, hint...)
advocacy journalism
Al Giordano
Amy Goodman
Ben Franklin
George Orwell
gonzo journalism
Jaggi Singh
Joseph Pulitzer
Judy Rebick
Marc Frucht
Naomi Klein
Peter Zenger
Thomas Paine
Woman in the Red Dress
More info about the protest she joined: