Please come dressed as you would dress at a protest.
(Check out the Heath and
Safety at Militant Actions guidelines for more info.)
FAQ: What is Action Medical?
Action Medical is a generic term used for the service of providing (1) preventative health care/safety education, (2) emergency first aid and other medical treatment, and (3) aftercare, at demonstrations and direct actions for social change.
There are three basic roles which fall under the general term "action medic."
1. "Affinity group medic," or "medical monitor." This is someone who has accquired at least basic street first aid skills, frequently by attending a street medic course offered by a local Action Medical collective, and has the responsibility of providing for the health care needs of a specific group or autonomous collective of activists at a demonstration.
2. "Street Medic," whose role at activist events is to patrol the crowd, usually in teams of 2-6, explicitly identified as a medic, with responsibility for treating anyone in need of medical attention. The street medic is trained in street first aid, as well as tactical and operations procedures somewhat unique to the street medic team
3. "Street Clinician," who has been trained as street medic, but who typically has some other form of medical training and skills set ( (allopathic or naturopathic) to complement their street first aid skills. Street clinicians usually staff a rear clinic adjacent to the scene of an action, but in some cases are also mobile and operate as quasi-street medics, with more equipment and supplies on hand, and a more stable location.
Becoming a Street Medic
You can become a street medic by attending and completing a organized street medic training program and then by practicing your skills at progressive actions along with other street medics and clinicians. Chicago Action Medical periodically offers street medic training training sessions. We can also refer you to qualified trainers and street medic collectives in other states and regions.
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