With all of us concerned for and about the arrestees I think it would great for us to also celebrate what a great event the Queers Resist Homo-Capitalism feeder march and joining of the parade was. Afterall, that was what is was all about and why not celebrate that while raising funds for and supporting our comrades.
Others should post positive pictures and comments and articles as well. Let's not let the fuzz keep us from celebrating pride. Even if they did manage to beat us up on the 35th anniversary of Stonewall - we beat them then, and we'll beat them now.
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Abolish Heterosexual Marriage
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We had the anarchist marching band as well as being followed by police since 9 in the morning. Notice the little gang of men in blue off to the left side of the picture.
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"Honey, Will You Mainstream Me?" Another showing of anarchists' stance against the instituation of marriage as a whole.
"Marriage is just another excuse to ignore war." This is a comment on gay and lesbian activists that would never organize against war but will fight to the death to be able to marry. Also, it has everything to do with Bush using gay marriage as a distraction from war and other horrible policies.
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"We're Here, We're Queer, We're Not Going Shopping"
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"Reclaim Pride"
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Bloody wedding dresses and no war armbands abound as queer anarchists and allies do jail support.