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Announcement :: Drugs

Summer Harm Reduction Trainings

Chicago Harm Reduction Summer Training Calendar June - August 2004

Co-Sponsored By: Young Women’s Empowerment Project, Chicago Recovery Alliance, Chicago Department of Health and The Night Ministry
Summer Harm Reduction Trainings.doc
Chicago Harm Reduction Summer Training Calendar June - August 2004

Co-Sponsored By: Young Women’s Empowerment Project, Chicago Recovery Alliance, Chicago Department of Health and The Night Ministry

Location: All trainings will be held in the Bridgeview Bank Building, 4753 N Broadway (corner of Lawrence and Broadway) Red Line Stop- Lawrence Ave/Pay Parking Available in the lot next door

Contact: Shira Hassan for more info 773-728-0127

Course Descriptions: Please see Http//

for trainer biographies, training agendas, bibliographies and online registration.

$30.00 Half Day Trainings


$50.00 Full Day Trainings 8:30am – 5:00pm

*Scholarships available for Individuals and Substance Users

June 18th Harm Reduction 101

Trainer: Shira Hassan, MSW

July 16th Harm Reduction for Dual Diagnosis: Mental Illness and Substance Use (Full Day)

Trainer: Sarz Maxwell, MD

The first words of the Hippocratic Oath, which all physicians take, are Primum non nocere, which is Latin for First, do no harm. Medical care is, or should be, all about harm reduction. This session will discuss how the medical care of mental illness and addiction can be (and should be) all about harm reduction.

This training is appropriate for case workers, doctors, administrators and substance use specialists.

* CEU credits possible

July 23rd Legal Rights for People in the Street Economy (AM)

Trainer: Claudine O’Leary

This three and a half hour training will explain the legal rights of people actively involved in using and selling illegal drugs and people involved in the illegal parts of the sex trade. We will build on knowledge of people’s popular understanding of legal rights and terms and explore myths and realities. This training will also allow for practice of real life situations and putting the ideas into practice.

This training is appropriate for anyone involved in the street economy, peer educators & front line workers

* CEU credits possible

July 23rd Safer Injection (PM)

Trainer: Dan Bigg

This four hour training will introduce, explain, discuss a pictorial guide to safer injection (see it at ). Also, this training will assist competence with use of this guide in a variety of settings including health outreach, addiction treatment, and health care.

This training is appropriate for peer educators, outreach workers, case workers, and injectors/users

* CEU credits possible

July 30th Harm Reduction in Violent Relationships (AM)

Trainers: Laura Mintz and Lisa Tonna, MSW, LSW

Participants will gain a basic framework for the dynamics of violent relationships, examine institutional and individual factors that prevent people from leaving violent relationships, and create practical strategies to assist those who choose to stay in violent relationships to reduce the harm caused therein.

This training is appropriate for case workers, outreach workers & youth workers

* CEU credits possible

August 13 Harm Reduction and the Sex Trade (AM)

Trainer: Claudine O’Leary

This three and half hour training will discuss the wide range of the sex trade and explore the practice of reducing harm for those involved in the sex trade. The training will introduce ideas for physical safety, sexual, emotional, and physical health, dealing with on the job problems and staying connected to goals. Participants will come away from the workshop with a greater understanding of the complexity of the sex trade and a great number of practical, realistic ideas to offer to those in the sex trade.This training is appropriate for outreach workers, peer educators, anyone working in the sex trade and youth workers.

* CEU credits possible

August 13th Transgender 101(PM)

Trainer: DaVon Anderson

This training will address the complexity of gender identity and explain the basic concepts of Transgender Identity for the beginner. Harm Reduction interventions will be addressed for those already working with the transgender community.

This training is appropriate for anyone working in the transgender community

August 27th Harm Reduction & Crack (AM)

Trainer: Matthew Silver

This training will address harm reduction interventions for people using crack.

The trainer will review the continuum of use and offer strategies for working with people along the spectrum. This training is appropriate for anyone using crack, case workers & outreach workers

August 27th Club Drugs (PM)

Trainer: Karen Stanczykiewicz

Participants will understand the definition of a “club drug” and learn which club drugs are most commonly used in Chicagoland. The presenter and participants will explore the continuum of club drug use and harm reduction interventions.

This training is appropriate for outreach workers, peer educators & case workers

* CEU credits possible



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