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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Local Government Whores & Harlotry Unlimited

Most local county governments are being enticed to accept hundreds of thousands of dollars under Homeland Security with “few strings attached.” What they don’t realize as they drool over these funds, they might as well prepare to lay down and spread their legs, a whore is a whore by any other name.
foxwith sheep.gif
Although this wasn’t originally written to address government whores, it still is just as applicable to them. With that I give you:

Harlotry Unlimited
Whom Shall We Serve ?

Today I would like first to say praise to the Heavenly Father and thank him for the gift of Salvation through the sacrifice of His Son my Savior Yahshua Messiah we know as Jesus Christ.
Throughout the Bible, God’s people Israel were chastised for playing the harlot, so we must first know the meanings of the word.
1. The most common definition focuses on “ one who offers her body for the purpose of sexual relations in order to obtain financial gain.”
2. “A whore is anyone who performs any service for an unworthy purpose in order to gain financially or to gain an advantage or superior status.”
3. “Biblically, it refers to idolatry which means putting other gods before the Creator God.”
Now if you will be honest you will discover as we continue on that we have all played the harlot at sometime. I know as I point my finger I have to admit I have three pointed right back at me, because I have been a whore. One of the things about the harlot is she doesn’t want to be called a whore, she is a “lady of the evening” or some other euphemism.
In Hosea 1:2 it states for the land hath committed a great whoredom, departing from the Lord. In Hosea 5:4 continue.. Their deeds will not allow them to return to their God. For a spirit of harlotry is within them, and they do not know the Lord.
Today his people have not changed they continue to play the harlot, as the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel & Hosea and others, have warned us about. Until we understand truly what harlotry is in our nation, we will not repent and turn back to God.
Over the past 100 years or so there have been many who courageously fought the encroachment of socialism and collectivism . Many who have fought the United Nations that has been set up as a god to bring us peace and safety, but millions have been sacrificed to it in Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Panama, the Middle East, Somalia, Kosovo, and yet no peace.
There are those have taken on the judicial system and tried to educate the judges. Failing there are those who have suggested hanging the judicial icons for their crimes. Most however don’t realize these gods were set over us because we played the harlot to them, revering them and fearing them.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines whoredom also as :
“In Scripture the desertion of the worship of the true God for the worship of idols.”
This is a violation of the greatest commandment; Thou shalt love Yahweh with thy whole heart, with thy mind, and with all thy soul. A harlot gives love and devotion for money or personal gain.
Religious harlotry violates this. Turn to Colossians 3:5 it says:
“Therefore put to death your members which are on earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”
Most don’t see the trademarks of the whore, as she uses pleasant euphemisms to describe her work, but Solomon said no such.
Prov. 30:20 “This is the way of the adulterous woman : She eats and wipes her mouth and says I have done no wickedness.”
Once the harlot is exposed we must chose whom to serve, Yahweh or Baalim.
In Israel they made gods of gold & silver and looked to them for health wealth protection and a good life. Because of this, Yahwewh allowed them to be robbed of their silver and gold, did that stop them, no! They cut down trees and made idols of wood.
How does this correlate today? Our fathers took gold and silver and sacrificed for it and looked to it for their security and comfort. Becoming morally corrupt, Yahweh allowed our enemies to steal our gold silver, did that stop us, no. We cut down our trees and made paper out of it and printed debt money from it called Federal reserve notes. Times haven’t changed, and yet we don’t recognize the idolatry.
Proverbs 2:16-18 help us see it better , To deliver you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words Who forsakes the companion of her youth And forgets the covenant with Yahweh her God. Do our people remember the covenant with their Yahweh today? Deut. 12:8 You shall not at all do as we are doing here today- every man doing what ever is right in his own eyes- Is this not just the same euphemism of today of the harlot to “do my own thing”
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines worship as; Noun “the homage paid to idols or false gods by pagans. Also, idolatry of lovers. Obsequious or submissive respect. Verb: To honor with extravagant love and extreme submissive respect.”
For those like myself not knowing, obsequious respect; “Prompt obedient or submissive to the will of another. Often signifies yielding to the will or desire as such as have no right to control .” Note that it says have no right to control.
A good example today is taken from the Associated Press of Cincinnati, Ohio:
“A federal Judge bared police Sunday from confiscating photographs from an exhibition of Robert Maplethorpe’s work that led to an obscenity indictment against an art center and it’s director. U.S. District Judge, Karl Rubin, also ordered county officials not to interfere in any way with the exhibition while the obscenity charges are tried in the state court. The seven photos included two children, either naked or partially naked, and others depicting homoerotic acts”.
This is nothing more than a euphemism for filthy, perverted, pornography. What would have happened 200 years ago if a judge ruled in this manner? Right after they burned the so called “art” and hung it’s maker they probably would have hung the judge! Not today though as we have Harlots Unlimited! Teaching our children we must be tolerant of such filth and perversion. We bow and kow tow before the almighty judge , as we fear him more than our Ever Living Yahweh. Harlots Unlimited!
York, Nebraska. A mother will appeal a judges decision giving custody of her three children to her former husband and ordering her not to discuss religion with her children. The York County Judge .. awarded Robert Pearson custody of his two children and one step child, ruling that mother had used fear and corporal punishment to force his children to submit to her church’s teachings. She said “ I used corporal punishment to make them mind, not to submit to any religious beliefs.”

What does Yahweh instruct us to do? You are to teach him the law from the time he’s a toddler. But this no-god judge on the other hand does not approve . We thereby render obsequious submission and bow to this judge.
Judges have made rulings from one end of this country to the other saying No bibles in the classroom, giving witches tax breaks, overturning sodomy laws, and authorizing millions of babies to be sacrificed on Baalim’s alters and we bow in respect and submission.
With today’s examples of Harlotry Unlimited, let us look at what might have happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they refused to bow for Nebuchadnezer as they appeal before the district judge.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego vs the State of Babylon: gentlemen the high court of Babylon has ruled that indeed the law passed by the legislature is a valid law and you have to bow. However I want to speak to you off the record. You are sincere in your beliefs gentlemen and I respect that, but you have to bow for several reasons. Although you didn’t know it at the time your Mom and Dad got an Social Security # for you and you are into several entangling preformatory contracts, and you have to bow. I have however asked your local Baal priest who is the pastor at the First United Church of Babylon to have a talk with you and I think you should hear him out.
The pastor speaks to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; “ Thank you your Honor, as I am grateful to you for allowing me to speak to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and share my faith. Your sincerity is admirable but, we are here because we are sinners as our fathers before and because of this we are under the Babylonian captivity, and we must obey the laws and judges for our own well being.”
The Baal priest is dismissed and the judge continues; “For the record Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego you have a right to appeal, you have a right to write your senators if you don’t like the law but you in the meantime you must obey.” Sound familiar?
Ephesians 1:20-21 He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but in the age to come..... 3:10 says; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of Yahweh might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places’.
The church is not to bow and kow tow, it is to say to the rulers and judges; Yahshua Messiah holds power and authority over you, there is a greater King than you Caesar, and not only must I obey him, you Caesar must obey him.
But yet we bow and say “almighty government I will obey your edicts and take this 501c3 status and obey its rules. I will to bow a little and compromise Yahweh’s law as long as you allow me my tax exempt status.” Harlots Unlimited strikes again. Oh! but let us not forget the little harlots serving the 501 c3. They give handsomely and flaunt their gifts as long as they can take them off their taxes! And the Baalim’s priests say we dare not stand against the government edicts our offerings will be small if we do not adhere, for they will remove our tax empty status!
Newsweek wrote an article a few years ago about the clergy tailoring their services to meet the under 45 crowd’s tastes. They offered exercise equipment, sports teams, and above all many different self help groups. There was no mention of repentance, or serving the Almighty, these harlots want to be entertained.
II Tim 4:3-5 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine , but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure affliction, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
Harlots, shopping for harlots to tell them what they want to hear. I blame the ministers of this country for not teaching men to be men. They teach pabulum to the congregations. We hear of the time of trouble to come and everyone of us hear believes it is very near. Why then are we not strong in our beliefs and challenging the false gods of this world? Why are we not standing against the sacrifice of our children on the alters of Baalim, sacrificing our young men to the gods of the Viet Nam, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other UN and war harlotry?
Why are we not told to stand against removing Yahweh and his word from being taught to our children in schools, bowing to the Baal judge gods. Why are we not standing against the filth and perversion, allowed to be brought into our libraries via the Internet & into our schools. Teaching our children to have “safe sex”, and that prevision is just alternative lifestyles and we must be tolerant. We are allowing the destruction of our children by being good little harlots and giving Obsequious submission to the gods of this world.
Hollywood and television constantly brainwash the children of our country to be good little harlots and we remain lukewarm bow in submission. We bow to the media gods as these disease infected prostitutes attack the churches, and as the religious right. They smear those that would dare to try expose the harlots that rule this country, as; right wing extremist, white supremacists, separatists, religious anti-Semitic fanatics and don’t forget Nazi.
Our Ever Living Yahweh God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob never meant for us to be such harlots. He expected us not to live in fear as, we have Him as our strength. People fear public opinion and the press. The thing we don’t realize is they can’t hurt us they are a paper tiger. They can’t burn anything but our bonds. Once we stand up with our faith in our Heavenly Father we realize there is nothing we can’t conquer with faith.
Our government representatives are the best little harlots that money can buy. We are taught to run to the almighty government for almost everything. Harlots Unlimited! You have a bad year farming “oh please almighty government save me!” Your schools are filled with hoodlums that terrorize the neiborhood ; “oh please almighty government protect me with more stormtroopers” !You neiborhood is filled with drugs that are killing the kids and gun are involved; oh please almighty government make tougher laws and send more swat teams to keep us safe!”
When harlots in the pulpit bow to the harlots in the government the judges enforce the government harlot laws and the media harlots tells us how great they are, we bow to all of them, we have what we deserve. Harlots elect harlots.
There are those who have fought the fight to try through patriot groups, constitutional groups, and even militias, to find the silver bullet that will end the tyranny over our country. These are people that have believed in their hearts that if we reinstall the constitution and the bill of rights we can bring this country back around. There are those who have suggested hanging the evil judges and politicians that have brought us to the state where, they burn up a church with 86 men women and children. Where a woman has her son shot in the back with a sub machine gun by federal agents and has her brains blown out while holding her child and no one is held accountable. Where we must have a license to do many things that we have the God given right to do, without such a permit. They truly think if we plead our case to the court or the congress or demonstrate we can make a difference. Unfortunately they are thinking humanisticly. No matter how hard any of these groups may try they will never make a dent in the corruption of the harlotry.
There is a silver bullet. His name is Yahshua Messiah most know as Jesus Christ. It is called repentance. We must stop being Harlots confess our sin and seek his face.
There many in the health field that have fought the fight against tyranny from above. Those who try to stop people from home child birth, say nursing your child is bad, and fight to destroy alternative medicine.
You’ve heard me speak of Baal, Baal is not the name of one god, but the title of the presiding deity of a given locality. Baalim (plural) were thought to be the gods of the land who owned and controlled it. As the people served and sacrificed to their Baalim they found themselves under slavery, a consequence of harlotry.
Today also we can’t be free of Baalim unless you serve Our Savior Yahshua Messiah. If you do not serve Yahshua then you are serving Baalim, and Baalim requires sacrifice. There is unity among the false gods they depend on one another. When you dishonor one the others seek to punish you and require more sacrifice.
Today other of the false gods exist in the form of some doctors and the AMA . Let me say first though that there are honest, dedicated, doctors, who work with compassion and do their best to help others. We are in a state of spiritual warfare between the Ever Living God and the false gods.
Truly there are some of the finest body mechanics in the world, who are making tremendous stride in saving lives in dealing with trauma, hemorrhages, shock, emergency surgery etc. However in the field of health maintenance, we have centered on treating symptoms by pushing drugs that modify or suppress them.
Pointing out the gods of medicine is a hard task. You want to have faith in you family doctor who is probable a friend too. During the time before the age of anti-psychotic drugs there was a desperate attempt to treat everything from obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, to schizophrenia through the use of lobotomies. There were tens of thousands of people in the US treated using this procedure. The doctors drilled two holes in the patient skull and inserted a thin metal pick and slashed away their frontal lobes. Pilgrim Psychiatric in Bretwood, New York which was once the largest mental hospital in the US Was and still is the home of some 200 lobotomy patient. The last days of those who are little more than living zombies are being spent there. Kishon brook is to good for the Baal priest that robbed these people of their lives families and their minds. Why was it allowed? Medical god set up by us.
Later they had better technology electro-shock therapy which burned away sections of the brain and left no scars, externally. Why would anyone let someone perform these things, which are little better than jungle which doctors who terrorized the natives through superstition and fear. You could never find a veterinarian who would be so that stupid as to treat a sick animal by performing a lobotomy.
The media would tell you for days or weeks if a midwife lost a child at a home delivery, or someone that died from alternative cancer treatment. Although babies in the hospital die frequently in hospitals and hundreds die horribly daily nationwide of chemotherapy and radiation and surgery, but not a word. The media sets Dock Welby and Kildare on a pedestal for us all to see and have our belief in their wonderful god likeness.
When the doctors in Los Angeles went on strike the death rate went down 18%, in Israel the dr.’s went on strike death took a 50 % drop, in Columbia South America 38%, and in Saskatchewan 25%.
The indications for taking Valium are listed as: “anxiety, fatigue, depressive symptoms, acute agitation, tremor, hallucinations, skeletal muscle spasm and spasticy, the side effects for taking valium are : fatigue, depression, tremor, anxiety, hallucinations, increased muscle spasticty”
Doctors confuse patients. In a tape by Dr. Mendelsohn he illustrates: I was taught in medical school , for example never to say I don’t know the cause of this disease. I should say this disease is idiopathic which in Greek is, I don’t know. Never say, He picked up an infection at the hospital say, he has a nosocomial infection which is a Greek a Latin combination for, he picked up the infection at the hospital. Doctors are taught not to talk about abortion, but post conception planning.” Revelation 18:23 talks of the sorcery of Babylon. Sorcery is taken from the Greek “pharmacia” which means to “administer medicine drugs or a spell” and is the root word of pharmacy. Webester’s 1828 Dictionary defines pharmaceutical” as to “practice witchcraft” Naturopathy on the other hand relies on a system of vitamins & minerals, sunshine, massage, herbs, and avoids drugs. We are also taught in James 5 to call the elders to pray for the sick. When we don’t realize a doctor is just a tool in the hand of Yahweh, we set him up as some god.
I want you to think Israel is the only nation that Yahweh accused of whoredom. Who was Israel, Gods chosen. Psalms 33:12 says: Blessed is the nation whose God is Yahweh, and the people whom He has chosen as his own inheritance.
Gods system is the way of life, man’s feeds on misery and makes its livelihood of the misery of others. In Yahweh’s Word we are told to break down the alters of Baal. But before we can do that, our eyes must not only be open, we must repent. We must once again, obey, worship, and revere the Ever living God, Yahweh. Babylon is the whore of Revelations. We cannot hope to throw out her system and dethrone her until we accept why she reigns. She reigns because we have transgressed Gods laws.
Horace Greeley once said “ It is impossible to enslave mentally, or socially a Bible reading people. The principles of the Bible are the ground work of freedom.” I would take it a step further and say, adhering to the principles of the Bible are the ground work of freedom.
You can’t serve Baal and Yahweh; you can’t serve Mammon and God. If you fear these false gods you will serve them. We must love Yahweh with all our heart, it is not a passive love, but active. We must keep his commandments and follow his Word.
I Kings 18:21 b says: “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Yahweh is God follow Him; if Baal, then follow him.” But the people answered not a word” The choice is ours. You can’t say Yahshua Messiah is your Lord and then allow the state to tell you how you will raise your family, conduct your business, or your marriage .
If we desire to serve Him we must repent, seek his face, be strong in our faith, and not bow to the false gods. We are told on numerous occasions the Apostles went boldly in their work we must go boldly before these false gods and no longer serve by obsequies respect. We must no longer be Harlots Unlimited, but servants of the Heavenly Father. Doing His will not our own. Excepting His Son Yahshua Messiah that most know as Jesus, as our Savior And bring the good news of his soon return to all that will hear.

Yahshua Messiah’s Sabbath Day Ministry
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