(From Google group's us.military.army)
If this doesn't rank you a self made holy Patriot warrior,
committed to destroying the evil enemies of America, the
neocon nazi bush whores, nothing will.
/ / The State Department has taken $184 million earmarked
for drinking water projects and moved it to the budget for
the lavish new US Embassy in Saddam's former palace. Short
$1 billion for the embassy, Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage said he might have to "rob from Peter in my fiefdom
to pay Paul." In fact, he is robbing Iraq's people, who,
according to a recent study by Public Citizen, are facing
"massive outbreaks of cholera, diarrhea, nausea and
kidney stones" from drinking contaminated water. \ \
/ / The humanitarian relief organization Christian Aid and the British
Liberal-Democratic Party both charge that the US occupation authority failed
to account for how it spent some $20 billion in Iraqi oil revenues, raising
suspicions of outright US theft. \ \
Charity Says Billions Missing in Iraqi Oil Revenues
/ / One says Iraq earned $10 billion, while another cites $11.5 billion for the
same period.
Christian Aid says it attempted its own calculation of Iraq's oil revenues
using publicly available figures and came up with 13 billion dollars. \ \
/ / Thus the puppet regime that Bush proclaims a bulwark of democracy and
anti-terrorism is headed by a former Iraqi secret police thug, who went on to
organize terrorist attacks at the behest of the CIA. \ \
/ / The Christian Aid report also said the majority of Iraq's reconstruction
projects have been awarded to U.S. companies, which charge up to 10 times
more than Iraqi firms. \ \
/ / The US military says the total death toll from the
three raids is 59 to 64 people, warning that it would
not shrink from carrying out further such strikes. \ \
Kimmitt: "We will redouble our efforts to ensure that
the terrorists don't win here."
Kill Kimmitt for this. Kimmitt pushes American GIs to
die as thieving terrorists, who instead of arresting bad
guys, bomb homes of innocent families, while refusing to
go after those nazi bush bitches in the Berg film who
are whitey overweight slobs with towels on their heads.
American soldiers should be demanding by Johnny Wizard
decree, that all individuals between here, and the "FBI"
interrogation video tape of Nick Berg being questioned
prior to his execution, who stand in freedom's way, be
arrested, or executed as the enemy. Like those
terrorists too, responsible for robbing Iraq's Central
Bank, or the pilfering of public assets elsewhere by the
/ / What's the upshot of the BearingPoint Plan? Iraq's
economy and all of its resources are ripped open to
foreign control. The U.S. corporations whose
executives participated in the drive for war and that
have already reaped billions of dollars in post war
profits and reconstruction contracts, could own every
business, do all of the work and send all of their money
home. Nothing need be reinvested in the Iraqi economy,
no Iraqi need be hired, no public services need be
guaranteed nor the rights of workers protected, and no
resources need stay in the country. \ \
We must hunt down the bush bitches who are presently
departing with the billions of stolen American People
dollars that not so mysteriously went vanishing, or, the
bush bitches who as usual, freely admit being God's
enemies, to shooting innocent women and children while
eating plutonium for the richly pleasures of the demon
American cop killing antiChrist continuing, as cowards,
to let rob from their own un-defended families back home
they leave forsaken as the ungodly. A bushite nazi
soldier betrays his very own family with lies of
gallantry, while dying to leave un-arrested, those bush
has termed lawless, labeled by Kimmitt as pro-Iraqi.
Those who torture, steal, rape, and murder the
practically defenseless and innocent. Bush's new
America. Where bush bitch America is to be all left
leaderlessly for the bushite bounty of falling more
innocent gun shot victims. Kill George W. Bush, Condi,
and Donald Rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11 as a true
American Patriot Soldier would, or die a traitor's death
by not defending your family as a coward just pretending
to be a real man or woman of honor and virtue.
As instead, the evil bushite soldier further stands by
associated to the Lawless traitors who steal to leave
remained, the humanitarian aid that was stolen and paid
through to commi Haliburton. To die warring for
rumsfeld, who while blowing up American GIs with cluster
dud, takes American tax dollars to hire deemed lawless
foreign fighting South African death squad runners, (at
a thousand dollars per each daily) who confess a history
to murdering people just because they were dark skinned
humans. Those racist murdering rumsfeld buddies, would
surely kill a American Negro soldier, as they would an
Iraqi one, no? (Where's Powell on this issue?)
/ / Private contractors covered by the blanket immunity
will also not be prosecuted under US military law. They
will, in effect, be granted a green light to commit
crimes in Iraq with total impunity. \ \
Instead of fighting for American principles, the bushite
lawless traitors murder the innocent to rifle through
the pockets of their fallen victims, true evil is the
bushite cancer. Parasites who, as enemies of God, let
the likes of rapists, or a Negroponte, a Bremer, a
Kimmitt, or a Buford Blount walk within firing range,
and refuse to take out those who intend to allow the
enemies of America, Bush, Condi, Ahmad and Rumsfeld,
escape the 9/11 murder scene back in New York City by
further sacrificing the dumfuk soldiers, dumfuks whom
are lead to be, too weak and stupid to be true blooded
Patriots committed to the cause of liberty and justice
for us all.
Get bushite.
King of America,
Johnny Wizard
/ / The President and Commander in Chief has blatantly
violated all tenets of domestic and international law.
So that making an oath to "obey orders from President"
is tantamount to violating rather than defending the US
Constitution. \ \
/ / The move epitomizes the arrogance and criminality of
the Bush administration, which declares, in one breath,
that it is granting ``full sovereignty'' to occupied
Iraq, and in the next imposes conditions that deprive
the ``sovereign'' government of the most essential
prerequisites of sovereignty. \ \
/ / Twenty six people were killed when US aircraft fired
laser guided missiles at a home in Falluja. Witnesses say
that the bombing was timed so that the second missile would
hit while people were trying to excavate those still
trapped in the rubble. \ \
/ / This is exactly the point of view of a Shi'ite woman
we had met two days earlier - a former undercover
opposition militant against Saddam: "The biggest
mistake of the occupation forces was to despise our
traditions and our culture. They are not satisfied with
having bombed our infrastructure, they tried to destroy
our social system and our dignity. And this we cannot
allow. \ \
You and me sister. I'd kill evil bushite to save the
life of any, and so would any real man of honor and
dignity. The bushite liars are cowards who whore their
purpose to serve for the evil enemy of all humanity, Our
Mr. bush Jr..
/ / "They brought us 22 corpses, children, women and
youth," Ahmed Hassan, a cemetery worker, said after the
blast. \ \
/ / According to The Wall Street Journal, that memo gave
the legal underpinnings to the contention that the
president has the authority "to approve almost any
physical or psychological action during interrogation,
up to and including torture." This despite the fact that
the United States ratified the United Nations Convention
Against Torture which states categorically that "no
exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of
war or a threat of war, internal political instability,
or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a
justification of torture." \ \
/ / o On April 25, 2004, Iraq's minister of public works
told The Independent that Iraq was considering
privatizing its water industry to "fund essential
works." While the U.S. government is obligated to
ensure that water is provided to the people of Iraq, it
is telling that the Minister did not discuss going to
the CPA to demand restoration of water services nor to
Bechtel to demand that it fulfill the requirements of
its contract. Rather, she speaks immediately of
privatization. \ \
/ / The general who pushed for more aggressive
interrogation tactics at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison
predicted better intelligence within a month if his
strategies were adopted, according to a copy of his
classified plan obtained by USA TODAY. \ \
/ / According to his attorney, Brian Simpson, the Army
has justified the intensity of the abuse by maintaining
that the training had to be as ``realistic'' as
possible. \ \
/ / Why it was necessary to deny the protections of the
Geneva Conventions to prisoners if there was an intent
to treat them humanely is never explained by any of the
released documents. \ \
/ / The answer, however, is graphically indicated in one
of the memos, issued in December 2002 by Rumsfeld. It
authorized the use of a series of ``aggressive
interrogation techniques'' by military intelligence at
Guantanamo. \ \
/ / But for that matter, nearly 60 years after the fall
of the Third Reich, no written orders for the
extermination of European Jews have surfaced with Adolf
Hitler's signature on them. Others who were prosecuted
for war crimes at Nuremberg were convicted without
written documents proving that they had ordered
underlings to carry out the atrocities of the Nazi
regime. \ \
/ / "If he saw a group of people standing and talking,
he would fire the tear gas just to see them run and
cough,'' the soldier added. "He got a big kick out of
it." \ \
/ / The Carlyle Group just yesterday purchased Loews
Theaters. Hmm... Wonder why... \ \
/ / Hitchens is essentially admitting the same thing
Moore is saying - that the US built Saddam, and that the
blood of those Iraqis he killed and tortured is on that
country's hands. But he says it in such a way that
anyone who hasn't seen the film could say "Yeah! That
Michael Moore, he's a liar!" \ \
/ / 3) Do you honestly not find it interesting that Bush
and the Neocons were trying to negotiate with the
Taliban for a pipeline before they changed their minds
and decided to bury them in the previously mentioned
``carpet of bombs?'' \ \
/ / B) 9-11 happens, and lo and behold the first country
we invade is Afghanistan, even though they had nothing
to do with 9-11. We are told it is the evil Taliban
(the one we just met with folks for a business deal)
that we must get. We then proceed to bury them under a
carpet of bombs. \ \
From Johnny:
/ /
For the demon bush Jr, as evil incarnate, this failure
of his intelligence is nothing new. He trumpeted
against Saddam, if someone should harm anything of value
that he and his mob were to steal, he'd charge'em up for
crimes against humanity, but not so [apparently] when he
and "sexy" rummy sent in thousands of missiles to
destroy public property. Or land mine cluster duds to
kill leaderless American Patriots, along with tons of
radioactive toxic waste to indiscriminately murder
untold thousands of people for generations. All by the
lawless demon antiChrist so to desecrate the American
dream for everyone, by ungodly stealing our human
values. (instead of going anywhere without restriction
or delay, while granted free access also to national
Iraqi broadcasts to say whatever about current deprived
survival conditions.) See?, as corporate america's
deity, the bushmob isn't accountable to the enslaved
People under his evil tyrannical rule of godless
dictatorship. That's why he is referred in biblical
texts, as the lawless evil enemy of all the People, God,
the Universe, and well... just everything. Humanity is
in dire need of a god send just now, quick! somebody
say someone somewhere said something somewhat similar,
that you, like anyone, would want to be included like
everybody else is too; committed to freedom from
oppression, and to be our own person, like Christ is.
Now, we just need a good King to run around the world
for HELP to party it up like a wild animal for all of
Creation as a Life spokesman. Hmmm? Sure I'm up for it.
\ \
/ / The March 6 memo, prepared for Mr Rumsfeld explained
that what may look like torture is not really torture at
all. It states that: if someone "knows that severe
pain will result from his actions, if causing such harm
is not his objective, he lacks the requisite specific
intent even though the defendant did not act in good
What this means in understandable English is that if a
parent, in his anxiety to know where his son goes after
choir practice, does something that will cause severe
pain to his son, it is only "torture" if the causing of
that severe pain is his objective. If his objective is
something else - such as finding out where his son goes
after choir practice - then it is not torture. \ \
/ / "If Aristide's ouster was unconstitutional," he said
to The Associated Press on June 9, "how can you have a
government in place that is constitutional and legal?" \ \
/ / She adds that Bush "has warned the American people
that the so-called war on terrorism could last for
decades. That is a very long time to live without
fundamental rights." \ \
/ / As with any treaty ratified by the U.S., the
Convention against Torture carries the full force of
law. \ \
/ / Note well the import of that first paragraph from
the August 1 memo. The argument leaps blithely over the
definitions of torture as described in U.S.C 2340, and
proceeds directly to the import of 2340A, the section
which demands a 20 year prison term for any American who
tortures another human being. If the person being
tortured should die, U.S.C. 2340A demands the death
penalty for the American responsible. \ \
/ / "This was an attack on a family in a house and it killed
all of them. There are no signs that people like
Zarqawi were in the house or in Falluja," he said.
"This attack was conducted without any coordination with
us." \ \
/ / "We inspected the damage, we looked through the
bodies of the women and children and elderly. This was
a family," he said. \ \
No, no interest in arresting defenseless innocent women
and children. Kimmit, the fascist traitor, knows Berg
was murdered by overweight whiteys, and bremer's letter
to divide the Iraqi people from the Iraqi people, served
blindly only the evil enemies to God, the ungodly
bushite. The bushites who thieve from America, her sons
and daughters, while sacrificing the earned pensions of
America's own grand parents. All for the cowardice of
the GI rising as a man with a nation, to arrest or kill
the evil un-arrested bushite parasites, done in for, as
a gift to god from US all as Humanity.
/ / I've had countless people tell me my brother is a
hero and died defending our freedom. They may be right.
In a country that promotes the virtues of the free
market, he died for the benefit of the war profiteers
and for very little benefit to himself. \ \
/ / New York, June 18, 2004--The National Lawyers Guild
calls for the prosecution of President George W. Bush
with a "command responsibility" theory of liability
under the War Crimes Act. Bush can be prosecuted under
the War Crimes Act or the Torture Statute, if he knew or
should have known about the U.S. military's use of
torture and failed to stop or prevent it. A comment in
the President's January 2003 State of the Union Address
contained an implicit admission by Bush that he had
sanctioned the summary execution of many when he said:
"All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have
been arrested in many countries, and many others have
met a different fate." "Let's put it this way," he
continued, "they are no longer a problem for the United
States and our friends and allies." \ \
/ / "I insisted many times I am not a member of
al-Qaida, I am not a member of a terrorist
organization," he recalls. "I also said, 'If you guys
decide to send me to Syria, I'm going to be tortured.' I
said to them, 'You know better than I do that Syria -
they don't follow any laws.'" \ \
/ / US killed hundreds of Iraqi civilians in "precision"
The June 13 New York Times carried admissions by unnamed
US military and intelligence officials that underscore
the utterly criminal and murderous character of these
strikes. The Times's sources acknowledged that not one
of these ``precision'' attacks hit an Iraqi political or
military leader and that the US military did not have
any reliable information that the intended victims were
even in the targeted buildings.
A senior military officer told the Times: ``It was all
just guesswork where they were.''
This, along with the planning of an unprovoked war of
aggression, is an indictable war crime. \ \
/ / "You haven't begun to see evil," he said, "horrible
things done to the children of women prisoners, as the
cameras run." Words like "Rape" and "Murder" have been
used to describe the evidence which remains as yet
unreleased. \ \
Again, the evil un-arrested bushites, figure they'll
advocate the pillage, rape and murder of more innocent
people, torturing children, and US men and women of this
world will all be too afraid to hunt them down and kill
them firstly. What real man and woman wouldn't proudly
kill bushite in honor of our holy families, and in
servitude to God's ultimate righteousness regarding the
defense of the innocent? Un-arrested bushite soldiers
who rape and murder women and children are not American
soldiers, and worthy of attack for everyone concerned.
/ / There was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over
the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were
dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled,
the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity
ever committed on American soil as it played out before
their eyes. Who do you think they were? Palestinians?
Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all
counts. They were Israelis \ \
/ / How can a human being, a citizen and soldier of a
supposedly civilized nation, have the crassness, the
sheer insensitivity, the moral blankness and lack of
compassion to casually shrug off the death of "a handful
of women" in such a fashion? Is there a Mrs Kimmitt,
one wonders? What does she think of her husband's
dismissive comments about the violent deaths of
innocents? \ \
destroying evil bushite is a gift to God saying you
truly cared for love. Corporate America advocates the
murder of innocent people, and willingly, is an
accomplice in attempting to further the bushite escape
from the rock solid crimes scenes leads of 9/11, doing
like the vile putrid traitor to every died for nothing
soldier, Rush Limbaugh. Do you really think Limbaugh
has any intent but to allow the continuation of
sacrificing American bush bitches through their
diliberate criminal impropriety as accessories to war
crimes against Sean's humanity? Sacrified by their
purposeful bush whoring censorship, and judicial
inaction regarding American livelihoods being given up
freely in their prosperous names? Bill wants to kill
millions in cities to profit for the evil bushite
neocon, I say, why don't we surviving Patiots of the
American dream just decidedly kill the nazi bastards
instead of ourselves as intended innocent families? I
hate bushite, who doesn't?
/ / Just ask 19-year-old Abdullah Mohammed Abdulrazzaq,
captured by U.S. troops at 2:30 one morning last
September in the Baghdad apartment he shared with his
widowed mother. Abdulrazzaq was hooded, handcuffed,
tortured with electricity and shuttled back and forth
among several prisons in Iraq, including Abu Graib.
What were his interrogators most interested in learning
from this 19-year-old? What he could tell them about
the weapons of mass destruction. And as we know,
Abdulazzaq's case is far from unusual. \ \
/ / The lawlessness began in January 2002 when Mr.
Rumsfeld publicly declared that hundreds of people
detained by U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan ``do
not have any rights'' under the Geneva Conventions. \ \
/ / "A country that controls neither its military nor
its finances cannot be called sovereign," said Svetlana
Tsalik, director of the Open Society's Revenue Watch
Project. \ \
/ / At issue is the CPA's failure to adhere to the U.N.
Security Council's Resolution 1483. Ratified in May,
the resolution requires that the DFI be "managed in a
transparent manner for and on behalf of the Iraqi
people." \ \
So Torture Is Legal?
/ / washingtonpost.com > Opinion > Columnists > Anne
Applebaum So Torture Is Legal? By Anne Applebaum
Wednesday, June 16, 2004; Page A27 To understand the
magnitude of what may have gone on in America's secret
prisons, you don't need special security clearance or
inside information. Anyone who wants to connect the
dots can do it. To see what I mean, review the content
of a few items now easily found on the Internet. \ \
/ / ''I look forward to the debates where people are
saying, 'Oh gosh, the world would be better off if
Saddam Hussein were still in power,' " Bush said. \ \
From Johnny:
/ / Free of consuming plutonium as microscopic
radio-active toxic waste that will poison life for eons?
Free to not be robbed of all our Iraqi treasures? Free
of lies that rape, pillage, or murder the good in US all
left undefended through Law principled indivisible?
Free to never consider evidence as a requirement to
convince US who is evil?, a criminal? Free to not be
shot at by bushite snipers for slumming around your
newly bombed out neighborhood? Free to learn about the
profits of a public health care system, banking, or how
specifically a progressive tax system re-generates as a
living economy now that an estimated 1000 teachers were
disappeared by more than likely WMD dealer bathist
bremer? Free to never, ever, read the first line, of
the first paragraph in the truly ancient Code of
You and who's army? \ \
/ / The War Crimes Act of 1996 punishes any U.S.
national, civilian or military, who engages in a grave
breach of the Geneva Conventions. A grave breach means
the "willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment" of
prisoners. If death results, the act imposes the death
penalty. \ \
/ / After repeated badgering by 9-11 families, two staff
members of the 9-11 Commission took Edmonds into a
secure room, turned on a tape recorder, and told her to
tell her story. Edmonds says neither asked her a single
question. Her pleas to be heard before the commission
itself have gone unanswered. Most recently, the Justice
Department, invoking an arcane state-secrets privilege
in the name of national security, effectively placed a
gag order on her, making it illegal for her to speak out
and indeed, classifying all her past utterances,
including those to congressional staff--even some that
were previously public. \ \
/ / "This was not a smoking gun, this was an audio tape
of the bullet coming out of the chamber, hitting the
victim and the killer standing over the body and
laughing about it." Russ Campbell, Nevada Power Company \ \
/ / But officials at the FERC, the very agency charged
with regulating energy companies, has not only known
about the tapes for two years, but fought attempts to
release them. \ \
/ / The March 6 memo, prepared for Mr Rumsfeld explained
that what may look like torture is not really torture at
all. It states that: if someone "knows that severe
pain will result from his actions, if causing such harm
is not his objective, he lacks the requisite specific
intent even though the defendant did not act in good
What this means in understandable English is that if a
parent, in his anxiety to know where his son goes after
choir practice, does something that will cause severe
pain to his son, it is only "torture" if the causing of
that severe pain is his objective. If his objective is
something else - such as finding out where his son goes
after choir practice - then it is not torture. \ \
/ / George Orwell... meet Franz Kafka
the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative,
(EITI) which has been supported by the G-8 governments,
major international financial institutions and leading
financial fund managers. EITI calls for reporting of
payments made by extractive sector companies to host
governments where they operate, and reporting by the
host government of the revenues they receive from the
companies. Many resource-rich countries such as Iraq
have failed to translate that wealth into prosperity for
their people-in no small part due to the capture of
resource revenues by corrupt political elites. \ \
/ / In other words, the act of torture is not, in fact,
torture if the intent to torture is not there -- and,
since it's a matter of "good faith," the only person who
could affirm that torture had taken place would, in
essence, be the torturer. \ \
/ / Of course, that wonderfully turned phrase
"exceptional interrogations" means "torture" (except
that, by this point in the document, torture itself no
longer means torture); and while I'm no lawyer, the
concept of "patently unlawful" seems a curious one to
me. I'd like to see that brought into an everyday court
of law. (The defendant throws himself on the mercy of
the court: "I did it, judge, and it was definitely
unlawful, but I plead innocent since it was not patently
so.") \ \
/ / "If Aristide's ouster was unconstitutional," he said
to The Associated Press on June 9, "how can you have a
government in place that is constitutional and legal? \ \
/ / She adds that Bush "has warned the American people
that the so-called war on terrorism could last for
decades. That is a very long time to live without
fundamental rights." \ \
/ / Note well the import of that first paragraph from
the August 1 memo. The argument leaps blithely over the
definitions of torture as described in U.S.C 2340, and
proceeds directly to the import of 2340A, the section
which demands a 20 year prison term for any American who
tortures another human being. If the person being
tortured should die, U.S.C. 2340A demands the death
penalty for the American responsible. \ \
/ / The US Justice Department, which is supposed to
uphold the law, actually sent a memo worthy of the Nazi
legal system contending the Geneva Conventions and US
laws did not apply to `terrorism suspects.' Any American
may apparently be arrested as a `terrorism suspect,' and
tortured, according to Justice lawyers. Replace
`terrorism suspect' by `enemy of the people' and you
have Stalin's Soviet tyranny. \ \
/ / Lowry Mays, honcho of Clear Channel Inc. (which owns
more than 1,200 radio stations - a third of all the
stations in America), opines that: "We're not in the
business of providing news and information We're simply
in the business of selling our customers' products." \ \
/ / George W. Bush is asserting presidential authority
that in theory covers the lives and liberties of
everyone, everywhere, U.S. citizens and foreigners
alike, a claim of power so sweeping that it permits him
to imprison, torture and kill at his choice without
legal constraint anywhere in the world.
It's not so much that Bush is saying that he is above
the law or even that he - regally - is the law. He is
claiming that no law can infringe on his inherent power
to do whatever he wishes as commander in chief. It is a
declaration of personal authority unprecedented in scope
and contemptuous of American constitutional checks and
balances. \ \
/ / Though administration lawyers have written legal
opinions asserting Bush's unfettered powers, the concept
of ``presidential power at its absolute apex'' isn't
really about law; it's about lawlessness. \ \
/ / In other words, Sanchez--who is stepping down at the
end of June--and the US military high command
specifically outlined and endorsed methods of torture
that the Bush administration and Pentagon officials are
now characterizing as the work of a few perverted
individuals. \ \
/ / On May 28 2003 $1 billion dollars of assets were
transferred to the Fund from the Oil for Food Programme.
About $5 billion has gone to the fund so far. That
money has been looted. According to a report by
Christian Aid in the UK, over $4 billion is missing. \ \
/ / "Until now, we've used the rhetoric of a president
who is 'above the law', but this document makes that
(assertion) explicit; it's not a metaphor anymore," he
added. \ \
/ / Stafford-Smith yesterday pointed to what he called
its most outrageous argument -- namely, that domestic
law does not apply to actions inside the US. Torture
can be committed inside the US. \ \
/ / Should the contractors be tried in U.S. court, they
may still go free, if they can prove that they carried
out government instruction as specified -- what is known
as "government contractor defense'' -- and thus are not
liable for the consequences. \ \
/ / Now for the all-important question: Who do you
believe; the family of Nicholas Berg or Bush's secret
cabal government of liars, plotters, schemers and war
criminals? \ \
/ / Edmonds says that when she reviewed Dickerson's
translations of those tapes, she found that Dickerson
had left out information crucial to the FBI's
investigation - information that Edmonds says would have
revealed that the Turkish intelligence officer had spies
working for him inside the U.S. State Department and at
the Pentagon. \ \
/ / In its report, the working group took the position
that neither the U.S. Congress, the courts, nor
international law could interfere with the president's
powers to wage war. That means, according to the
report, that the president himself is not bound by U.S.
law, such as the federal Torture Statute or the
constitutional ban on "cruel and unusual" punishment. \ \
If you connect the dots, the torture at Abu Ghraib is part of a larger
slide toward tyranny as the Bush administration tries to exempt itself
from the rule of law.
Liberty and Justice for All
We need a national call on our national airwaves to have
General Ahmad arrested for being an accessory to the
crimes of mass murder on 9/11.
George W. Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld, need to be
immediately arrested or executed for near escaping the
crime scenes of 9/11. Warnings came, they, (during
bush's vacation), "TOP SECRETLY" tweaked a, ready to go
planned world war strategy that would start off in
Afghanistan, premised, on not following the crime scene
leads of terrorist offenses that had yet to materialize,
while closing judicial investigations through the lead
up, the follow through, now... they're cooked. The
bushmob didn't want to get arrested those, who in his
name would soon, murder thousands of Americans in New
York City, for that event was saved to put into action
his "top secret" planned invasion. A world war plan
kept secret from those in American government until the
dated documents showed up at MSNBC. Confessed without
choice to MSNBC as "fully implemented" by the White
House, the bushite war crimes plan went underway almost
without hitch. By offering no rational reason that
factually establishes bin Laden's guilt, would GUARANTEE
the invasion of Afghanistan. Again, a planned false
allegation for a terrorist crime that had yet to be
committed. But See?, for, without evidence bush's
america would not be following the crimes scene leads
from the actual real murder scene, and the real culprits
are left to continue un-abated as the un-arrested
enemies of The People in God's trust.
The last thing the demon liar bush secretly wanted, was
to have halted Laden with evidence for the countless
crimes he's left his fingerprints at. For in this
history, we remember, the Taliban ended surrendering
Laden freely without any further answers. BUSH k-n-e-w
BEFORE HAND, if he were to offer any shred of evidence
to the World implicating Laden, the Taliban would
fundamentally fight for Allah like they were going to do
freely under Clinton, and rightly send the suspect away
for trial and sentencing on the commission of crimes
against God in America. But, hell, offering Laden up to
the world stage for a crime he wasn't committed to,
would sure ruin evil bush's war against our freedoms as
justice in this world. For, after following the
evidence, George W. Bush and his partners in crime
would now be behind bars for treason, or publicly
executed after a fair public trial regarding the facts
as they stand uncontended. MSNBC reported that bush had
actually signed the top secret Presidential plans in
their possession to rob and kill God's Great America.
For Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi, garnered no insight from
"out of the loop" Richard Clarke on the subject of
Laden's terrorist behavior, (last minute not
withstanding) nor conversed the details on waging world
wars on intelligence with Tenet. Nor even,
surprisingly, talked with Armitage.
/ / We can assume, that Armitage received the same
warning reports about an attack as many other persons
did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG), Thomas
Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton
(DOD). \ \
Hammurabi tells History to wake up and kill the ungodly
false accuser, George W. Bush for the highest crime of
treason against our entire Universe, and I too, have to
admit, it's a pretty damn good idea to protect ourselves
from needless sacrifice, but for to make the bushmob
even more wealthier than they are as corporate
successes. Killing bush to save the countless innocent
lives of those the bushite liars confess publicly to
target, would be a gift to God un-paralleled in
gratitude for the love of life in which we all truly
share. Think this God asks: What real man of any
nationality, or religion, wouldn't kill a cowardly
bushite who wars defenseless innocent children with
cluster bombs and depleted uranium?, all so the bushmob
can further get away from stealing from their very own
grand parents they leave back home as cowards
Nick Berg was murdered in a large building with yellow
walls and a cement floor, by overweight white bigots who
of none, don't know the first thing about wearing a
turban, nor, the wise teachings of the Koran. We need
to do an investigation to conclude how many buildings in
Iraq fit those same sized projections witnessed in the
film that match up like Abu Ghraib does, before the evil
bushites go ahead and try destroying the 'sound'
evidence like only the super dummies would, to
ultimately win our favor. George, Son of Mankind here,
look, maybe if you'd just confess to making some bad
judgement calls in our names to devalue the human
species for plunder, while pleading mercy on this Court,
we'll let you live in purgatory for a few thousands
/ / Michigan's Senator Carl Levin asked the CIA
director: "Did the CIA agree with the contents of the
Feith document?" "Senator, we did not clear the
document. We did not agree with the way the data was
characterized in that document." \ \
Wow! The American CIA wasn't buying the bushite lies to
sacrifice the American Gi so to rob further from the
innocent censored either. All told, the death/cost
ratio really sucks for all concerned. Therefor, why
don't all nations of Earth call a temporary truce,
acknowledge our misgivings about each other, but then
openly realize, all people, good and bad, like the
forests and the sky lines, hate the evil war mongering
demon anti-Christ, George Walker Bush more than anything
The bushites, as thoughtless degenerates, are warring
our humanity's great achievements in universal law,
pretending like, we're not even present as interested
party. Great achievements like freedom through
representation, or demanding evidence to establish
someone's guilt, have been around since the dawn of
civilization; however, today, we instead under the
supreme command of the lawless evil bushite, are
willingly ignoring the actual criminals attempting
escape from the murder scene of 9/11, to greater parts
unknown without ourselves left still falling murdered
from Your inaction. By bush and cheney order, unfinished
criminal investigations were halted regarding the murder
of thousands in America.
Through fear of the awesome intelligence enshrined
within the Declaration of Independence, or the awestruck
genius in the simple blurb, "A Freeman shall not be
imprisoned", our demand as the civilized, is deemed not
relevant or profitable to corporate news America. What
does it profit an American to stand up for a stranger,
the neighbors, a distant cousin, or even sworn blood
brother? To know rotten Rumsfeld is feeding American
troops plutonium, while telling next of kin families
it's harmlessly done for a few thou', is like the dummy
rummy cluster dud killing today, yet another American
soldier paid through by collateral, so, don't worry, go
to sleep, nothings happening here but the death of
/ / Bush, immersed in his own world of plummeting poll
numbers, said, "Would the terrorists who beheaded an
American on camera just be quiet, peaceful citizens if
America had not liberated Iraq?" \ \
Who wouldn't kill the thieving evil bushite to save the
lives of the innocent they victimize for stolen profit I
ask everyone to think for yourself?
Look, I'm a pranking wordsmith of fiction sometimes, but
trust me when I tell you, this life death karma
business?, is truly a serious endeavor bush is taking
you for as innocent sacrifice. Willingly murdering good
People for the evil bushites to profit off, is a
sickness we must remedy, like, now. Every moment that
unjust demon celebrates his contempt for the American
Constitution, is another insult to all the soldiers whom
have died giving their lives in honor for freedom from
the tyranny a bushite professes proudly as the enemy,
America's enemy, Humanity's enemy, and God's duty as
ourselves to bring a more timely demise.
I am, King and lord of Creation.
Johnny Wizard
P.S. Can you e-mail this to an American talk radio
program, and witness first hand for Yourself, how far
some will rightly go in disguising their continuing
dishonor of all American soldiers; and in so, of all
which the great American nation was truly founded upon.
Liberty and Justice for All. Especially, you. Oh yeah,
and, could you find it in your heart to support my rise
to world acclaim, as a down and out dreamer, looking for
an easy break into the big time? Imagine: me, the guy
nobody has ever heard of before, knowing everybody!
/ / Do you have a Citibank account? How about a JP
Morgan Chase credit card? Who do you think were the
banks that moved the $3.3 trillion "missing" from the
treasury? Who escaped serious accountability on pump
and dump stock market fraud and gold market
manipulation? Do you subscribe to the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal? Who do you think are the media
organizations that have failed to ask or try to answer
the UnAnswered Questions of 9-11? Why are you "voting"
for these companies with your money and your attention?
Why are you sending them the signal that despite their
abrogation of their obligations to you and your family,
you will continue to support them with your hard earned
resources? If some of your neighbors are earning 2% on
their bank certificates of deposits, while other
neighbors are paying 18% or more to the IRS or
multinational financial companies, why do we not realize
that this is both a political and profit making
opportunity to cut out a parasitic financial middleman? \ \
I'm with you buddy!!!
/ / ``By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people
pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad
tree bears bad fruit.''-- Matthew 7:16-17 (NIV)
I don't see any ``good fruits'' in George W. Bush's
first term as President. I don't even see the
much-touted ``growth'' that Bush supposedly underwent
after 9/11. All I see is a cruel person who has
progressed from blowing up frogs to blowing up people. \ \
/ / As villager Mohammed stated, "While still in the
village, men were gathered together and beaten severely.
A 70-year-old man suffocated and died when they put a
black plastic hood on him." Of those detained, there
were three boys (ages 14, 15 and 16), 10 school
teachers, three human rights lawyers and 67 farmers, 14
of whom were 60 to 80 years old. All of the men were
taken to Abu Ghraib. \ \
/ / Sutton reported, ``Plans were already afoot for the
Americans to disengage from the city. But before their
exit strategy became public the Americans launched one
final blitz on the besieged town. As the world watched
live on television it was, American generals admit, the
most intense aerial bombardment of Iraq since major
combat ended a year ago.'' What did any of them ever do
to us? There's a word for needless killing: it's
murder, and that's what Bush plunged us into. \ \
/ / Let's be clear about what this means: Gonzales was urging--and the
President adopted as policy--an end run around federal laws. The War
Crimes Act, passed by Congress in 1996, allows criminal prosecution of
Americans for actions that violate the rights granted prisoners and
civilians by the Geneva Conventions and for "outrages upon personal
dignity." It is backed by the full range of federal penalties, up to
and including the death penalty. And all treaties, including the
Geneva Conventions and the Torture Convention, are likewise the
binding law of the land. \ \
I Need Funding
/ / The report, dated May 5, said interrogators from a
National Guard unit attached to the 3rd Infantry
Division had "forced into asphyxiation numerous
detainees in an attempt to obtain information" during
one 10-week period last year, the newspaper said. \ \
Nazi bushite enemies ruled under the traitor to America,
lawless war criminal buford "bush bitch" blount.
America has got to double up the effort to preserve your
rights denied under the tyranny of the evil anti-Christ,
corporate america's George W. Bush, if they want to
survive truly as "The People". Freedom without Justice
is like living without being. Demon bush demands by
threat, that evidence no longer be a requirement to
convince us who is evil, or a criminal, and I, John, am
calling his number up. Reality as a property, is of
which to all we share equally. Substantiated
understanding through rational conclusion, formed by our
evidentiary findings, is all we got to go on when
deciding, whom shall be murdered for the crimes of 9/11.
Mr. bush and cheney, they don't want those whom were
accomplices, found out by AMERICAN JUSTICE, and gee,
...I wonder why that might be.. (They both as reported
[MSNBC], urgently struggled to close FBI and CIA
investigations into the matter of thousands [AFFLUENT]
American mass murder victims). If we like the idea of
"Freedom", then we're going for sure need to find those
responsible for transgressing our boundaries quantified
through law conducted so as measured. Top Priority:
Mass Murder. Only barbaric savages, as enemies of
mankind war the Humanity of which is ourselves. The
bushite soldier is ordered to murder indiscriminately
ourselves as innocent victims, and instead of manly
killing their evil bushite commandeer(s), they weakly
target the innocent by cluster bombs, killing their own
brothers and sisters too they praise, completely without
reason as is their unrecognized self betrayal to
America. That they naturally can't see, because they
have no human character. "Growing up" in some southern
bastion of make believe hell, that votes yet again they
claim, to further dismantle the public works system; for
reading is all for the stupid people. The Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? comic books? All trash a
bush supporter once told me of everything under the sun
in public Usenet discussions, or the entire Internet for
that matter. One out a seven in America is a functional
illiterate, which is just about bush's entire
constabulary, that if knew better, would be the first
ones to vote for impeachment, trial, then,..dream on.
The bushite is led as enemies of America, against the
Constitution once held rightly dear. Held dear to the
American soldier of old, not like the thieving sadistic
coward and bushite betrayer of today, absent the Army
Code, or as in present throughout, the Marine's Handbook
on Leadership. Today, American Chivalry is blindly led
through Donald "how dare they ask for evidence to
substantiate my allegations for killing whomever"
Rumsfeld, Kimmit, and the never forgotten bomb wherever
killer of women and children, Sir Franks. A performing
"Knight" [not real] he proclaims publicly to all,
including the wise wealthy spindlers of "magic" some
said, but were the art at living to bring Justice for
the innocent as victimized. The victimized impoverished
from a savage land chained by the tyranny of fools,
through the veils of a.... George W. Bush!! Evil
incarnate! The most despicable excuse for humans
suffering ever surmised by real understanding.
Wow! Why don't you just take a bow for US already!
/ / Add it all up, and the bill comes to nearly $4,000
per household, not including interest. "I wonder how
people would react if they got a bill from Washington
for that amount," he said. \ \
A bill based on murdering US innocent folks, so the
bushmob's bushite slaves, as traitors to America, can
steal even further from our distant Iraqi brothers and
sisters left destitute by our forsaken name. Demon bush
has no rights to any stolen assets, none whatsoever.
Enemies of Humanity shall lose to themselves by us
winning for just ordered chaos. The intelligence of
believing to surmiss, by golly good god we exist as
truly a miracle. Wow!, we could be simply something
fantastic if we had the will to make life something
greater for everyone included. Doing God a favor. What
pleasure could be greater giving back what you so most
treasure? Think of me doing this as King for investment
on continuing towards a better fortune. I don't ask for
your faith as bush demands you for himself, but ask you
to only find faith in youself as an equal unto Heaven,
and try to form your conclusions by not concluding so
much without any understanding at all. Sugestion:
don't be so suggestable., and think about supporting the
re-start of the American 9/11 police investigations by
firstly, arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately, for
the evilest of high treasons in America., America, the
native home land of a freedom plan never lost to the
tide of political indifference through tech-know
corporate media bias. The driving will for me to
succeed towards a better future, is the freedom as being
committed to Justice indivisable. Ultimately, Justice
for You, means Justice for me, even if you don't
understand as much.
Johnny Wizard
/ / Were tapes made at the three known interviews of
Nick Berg by the FBI? Who did the interviews? Where
are they? \ \
/ / Half of his foot had been cut off. He went
away dragging his foot. We were all laughing and
cheering. "Then an 18-wheeler [truck] came speeding
around. We shot at it. One of the guys jumped out. He
was on fire. The driver was dead. Then a Toyota
Corolla came. We killed the driver, the other guy came
out with his hands up. We shot him too. \ \
/ / "On one stretch of highway alone, there were more
than 50 civilian cars, each with four or five people
incinerated inside, that sat in the sun for 10 or 15
days before they were buried nearby by volunteers," \ \
/ / Iraqis, he said, "would see us debase their dead all
the time. We would be messing around with charred
bodies, kicking them out of the vehicles and sticking
cigarettes in their mouths. I also saw vehicles drive
over them. It was our job to look into the pockets of
dead Iraqis to gather intelligence. However, time and
time again, I saw Marines steal gold chains, watches and
wallets full of money." \ \
/ / The military stressed that Iraqi security forces
entered the mosque before any Americans. \ \
/ / When Ground Zero firefighters and cops began getting
sick, the White House tried to block $90 million in
funding(7) for medical treatment. When Congress forced
the Administration to accept the $90 million, the
Administration then delayed the money(8) and threatened
to shut down the health-screening program. Even today,
the New York Police Department has been denied much
needed health grants(9). \ \
/ / The celebration at Mukaradeeb was to be one of the
biggest events of the year for a small village of just
25 houses. Haji Rakat, the father, had finally arranged
a long-negotiated tribal union that would bring together
two halves of one large extended family, the Rakats and
the Sabahs. \ \
Where was an attempt to instead make arrests, or ask for
surrender of the rousing party goers? Imagine that: a
bushite murders 45 or so members of your family and
immediate friends, all because it thought you might be
suspicions living in a house. Oh, but later on, the
lucky geniuses on their own found boots, a telephone,
AK-47s, cannons and bazookas and maybe a missile silo...
Yeah, and.. so what.
"They didn't even spare one child, one elderly,"
Evil bushite mattis' faulty judgement is criminal. He
tells US that we musn't be naive, he can command
soulless enemy bushite soldiers to steal from the People
for G.W. Bush, through murdering US indiscriminately,
all for the reason he stated: he can't understand why
people live with the desert in the Middle East. He
suggests we're out as pansy god lovers to ask his men to
please "apologize", instead we ask his boys to be men,
and KILL HIM rightly. Otherwise, he says he'll attempt
get away towing more bush-whore teen bitches to
murdering any or all men and boys of military age,
(while excusing the rest of Humnaity as
inconsequencial), and figures the still surving men and
boys of this world, (included as of his attachment)
won't smarten up and target him and his instead.
Because remember as ungodly bushite, and true enemy of
America, "they" isn't accountable to any rules of our
law to be arrested, as so decrees the un-American evil
demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. I ask China, the
EU, and proud Russians, to recognize the contempt for
all human life expressed by the evil bushite nazi forces
with their use of cluster duds in residential districts,
along with radio-active toxic waste to indiscriminately
murder the innocent as enemies to all our Humanity.
Help US destroy bushite today, and you'll be protecting
your family tomorrow from the evil bushite to get away
murdering further more of US unjustly for.
/ / "I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we
showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I
don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt.
Nick Boggs \ \
Liar George W. Bush dares all godly men of this planet
to hunt him down and kill him. I'm in. I'm coming to
kill you George W. Bush, all by myself, I need no back
up, for I am as real men of honor and courage who stand
alone in hate for all bushite savages as the enemies of
life as we know it. Killing un-arrested George W. Bush
is truly, a gift of love to God.
/ / When reporters asked him about footage on Arabic
television of a child's body being lowered into a grave,
he replied: "I have not seen the pictures but bad
things happen in wars. I don't have to apologize for
the conduct of my men." \ \
It is not his men, but himself as our enemy we're
calling out now to re-dress or kill rightly.
/ / Specialist Corporal Michael Richardson said: "There
was no dilemma when it came to shooting people who were
not in uniform, I just pulled the trigger. It was up
close and personal the whole time, there wasn't a big
distance. If they were there, they were enemy, whether
in uniform or not. Some were, SOME WEREN'T." \ \
/ / They were shooting low on the ground and targeting
us one by one," she said. She ran with her youngest
child in her arms and her two young boys, Ali and Hamza,
close behind. As she crossed the fields a shell
exploded close to her, fracturing her legs and knocking
her to the ground. \ \
I beg and plead for God and mercy, destroy the unholy
bushite neo-con, to save the lives of the innocent they
with your silence, unjustly depeciate for victimization.
/ / Dr Alusi said 11 of the dead were women and 14 were
children. "I want to know why the Americans targeted
this small village," he said by telephone. "These
people are my patients. I know each one of them. What
has caused this disaster?" \ \
The Lord would kill un-American lawless bushite happily
to save the life of one innocent child, so why wouldn't
you fight for America Patriot, and tell America that
bushite is not what America is truly. America is
I again beg all real Christians on behalf of life
ourselves, to defend your god given rights from evil
un-arrested murderous enemies of God and Humanity. A
bushite neo-con expects US to believe, they as our
enemies, aren't aware that they allow the targeting of
the innocent for generations to steal our meager
earnings to give unto slavery in further sacrifice
through sold goods that I'm not buying as the "real"
picture. The good news needs to be our recognition as
heard. Instead of without opinion on watching as
enemies of America, silently condone the rape and
pillage of themselves as the murder of our species if
You don't rise to our defences and speak on your own
innocence here. As an equal. I can't be expected to do
everything. Today, a bushite addresses our humanity's
censored cries, to beyond public national debate on
"your" continuing to stay neutral on bushite war crimes
continuing. Bushite america wishes all our Humanity to
burden the costs in the forgotten loss of our values
held forever, regarding Justice for all is being Just
for any, and freedom follows knowing, we don't want to
be robbed and murdered so bush can further profit from
our ubundance of media inaction. Let US hear of a
mutual self respect we grant for each other as fellow
human beings who care about needlessly sacrificing
further. US human beings are committed to freeing
ourselves into a better future, and the first step we
must take, is to immediately have arrested, the traitors
Condi, bush and dummy rummy for the crimes of 9/11.
/ / Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage
contradicted Rice's claim that the White House had a
strategy before Sept. 11 for military operations
against al Qaeda and the Taliban. \ \
Jesus, I had missed that! Wow! Armitage too, along
with Tenent, and Richard Clarke, none of the three were
made aware, or consulted (!) of the confessed, no
evidence bin Laden-Afghanistan-? world war strategy,
existing two days prior to 9/11 as MSNBC informed Us of,
at Condoleezza's office; Presidential plans signed by
the soulless demon himself, Our enemy the world over Mr.
Bush Jr..
/ / If you've been wondering why the 911 panel seems to
be bending over backwards to please the White House, it
might be because the executive director of the
commission, Philip Zelikow, was on Bush's transition
team during the first months of his presidency, meaning
he attended the same presidential briefings on terror
that the commission is now "investigating."
"It is now apparent why there has been so little effort
to assign individual culpability. We now can see that
trail would lead directly to the staff director
himself." \ \
Maybe we need to ask Philip Zelikow what he knew of the
top secret, blame bin Laden without substantiating or
following any murder crime evidence game plan to
guarantee invasion of Afghanistan that they confessed
as, "fully implemented". For, we know as Condoleezza
has already publicly articulated, "we" were hashing out
said diabolically evil war strategy with dummy rummy
during the G. W. Bush "vacation" down time.
Kill George W. Bush when you see him please, and let's
for sure try to arrest the rest:
Rummy, Condi, Mueller, and Franks, Buford Blount, Steven
Russell, along with the rest of the treasonous bushite
anti-American "cabal" as betrayers to civilization.
/ / "The Americans know quite well what Israel is doing
in Rafah. The fact that they don't even condemn these
atrocities suggests that the Bush Administration is a
culprit in these crimes. We have to call the spade a
spade, especially when we find it in the hands of our
grave-diggers." \ \
/ / The order to shoot the demonstrators, I believe,
came from senior government officials, including
intelligence communities within the military and the
U.S. government. Q: What kind of firepower was
employed? A: M-16s, 50-cal. machine guns. Q: You
fired into six or ten kids? Were they all taken out?
A: Oh, yeah. Well, I had a "mercy" on one guy. When
we rolled up, he was hiding behind a concrete pillar. I
saw him and raised my weapon up, and he put up his
hands. He ran off. I told everybody, "Don't shoot."
Half of his foot was trailing behind him. So he was
running with half of his foot cut off. Q: After you
lit up the demonstration, how long before the next
incident? A: Probably about one or two hours. This is
another thing, too. I am so glad I am talking with you,
because I suppressed all of this. \ \
/ / ...that while seven US soldiers are already facing
court martials for their conduct at Abu Ghraib, no
contractors have yet been punished despite being
implicated in the abuses in a report filed by army Major
General Antonio Taguba in late February. \ \
/ / A total of four men -- Steven Stephanowicz, John
Israel, Torin Nelson and Adel Nakhla -- are named in the
report. All of them were assigned to work with the
205th Military Intelligence Brigade, a unit that is
currently stationed in Germany and Italy in support of V
Corps, under the command of Colonel Thomas Pappas.
[...] Israel, apparently misled investigators, denying
that he witnessed any misconduct. The report says that
Israel should not even have been in the place because,
he "[d]id not have a security clearance." \ \
/ / The General Accounting Office ruled yesterday that
the Bush administration broke federal law by producing
and distributing to local television stations phony news
segments about its Medicare changes. The ruling states
the administration concealed the fact that its "news"
footage featured actors pretending to be Washington
reporters who were "paid with federal funds" to read
scripts prepared by the Bush administration. \ \
/ / The men are Baghdad-based cameraman Salem Ureibi,
Fallujah-based freelance television journalist Ahmad
Mohammad Hussein al-Badrani and driver Sattar Jabar
al-Badrani. They were released without being charged.
A US military investigation found no evidence of
wrongdoing. US Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez,
commander of ground forces in Iraq, told Reuters in a
letter he was confident an investigation had been
"thorough and objective" and its findings were sound. \ \
/ / Two of the three Reuters staff said they had been
forced to insert a finger into their anus and then lick
it, and were forced to put shoes in their mouths,
particularly humiliating in Arab culture. \ \
/ / She [Kwiatkowski] would soon conclude that the OSP
-- a pet project of Vice President Dick Cheney and
Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld -- was more akin to a
nerve center for what she now calls a ``neoconservative
coup, a hijacking of the Pentagon.'' \ \
/ / So, there you have it: we are sending more troops
in to get the troops out. We are giving sovereignty to
the people of Iraq, so that America can continue to run
the place. Iraq can choose any government it wants so
long as it is pro-American. The Middle East road-map
has been handed to Ariel Sharon so that he can bulldoze
Palestinian refugee camps from the face of it. When
Bosnian Serbs did this kind of thing it was called
ethnic cleansing. This "full throttle" is beginning to
look rather like the reverse gear that Tony Blair
promised us he didn't have. It is full ahead in
reverse. An exit strategy that doesn't have an exit. \ \
/ / "Not to get personal about it, but the president's
capacity to lead has never been there. In order to
lead, you have to have judgment. In order to have
judgment, you have to have knowledge and experience. He
has none,'' Pelosi said. \ \
/ / But what is law in this bold new Abu Ghraib era,
when Bush's own legal team pronounces the Geneva
Convention "obsolete?" In fact, as Newsweek reports,
they explicitly told Bush to repudiate the law, to
establish the precedent that there is "no binding legal
effect on either the President or the military" in
wartime. Otherwise, they warned, he could be "subject
to prosecution [under U.S. law] for war crimes" --
especially "if the political climate changes." \ \
/ / The proponents of torture in America have already
suggested new methods to add to the list, including
inserting sterilized needles under fingernails of
suspects to produce excruciating, but non-lethal, pain.
This particular suggestion comes from Harvard Law
professor Alan Dershowitz. \ \
/ / We have heard Secretary Colin Powell and others say,
there's no military solution to this conflict. Well
some people over there haven't heard that