Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Antigay March Intrudes Upon Pro-Queer March, Three Pro-Queer Participants Arrested in Ensuing Confrontation; Emergency Support Actions Underway

An antigay march tried to intrude upon the Chicago Gay Pride Parade on June 27, which prompted a chain of events where three pro-queer activists were arrested and now face possible felony charges.

A march organized by queer and pro-queer anarchists proceeded from Chicago's Uptown neighborhood through to the neighborhood of Boys Town and sought to criticize co-opted and capitalized aspects of the Chicago Gay Pride Parade. But the march wound up confronted by a counter-march which sought to enter the Pride Parade near the intersection of Clark and Halsted.

Police intervened to break up the confrontation. None of the homophobic counter-marchers evidently were arrested, but three pro-queer march participants were arrested. The three arrestees, who had nothing to do with the altercation, nevertheless face felony charges and a hearing has already been set for Monday, June 28, 1pm at Cook County Jail (26th and California, Branch One). Update: Last Arrestee Released

Latest News: Misdemeanors Dropped for Halsted 3

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