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Devious Ploy to Censor

Forum introduces disinfo ploy to scare off folks who speak the truth. is one of the fastest growing news discussion boards on the net.

It gains 10 new sign-ups a day on the average.

Now the leadership there has a new 88 ploy to ward off folks talking about Israeli state misdeeds against the Palestinian people.

All new threads on an issue like that are being re-linked in a forum which is for opposing views to Judaism, even if Judaism is not mentioned a single time in an article.

This is a devious and clever disinfo ploy to make folks not want to talk about any issue of Israeli state mis-deeds out of a fear of looking anti-Jewish.

This is a new internet version of "88".

In the 60's on up to around 1989, the term 88 was added into the fray of concerned activists, and it was a devious and clever disinfo ploy to make them look anti-social and as if they worship Hitler and Nazism.

88 means the letter H twice, since H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

It was a part of the move to make Neo-Nazism appear to ward off any concerned citizens from talking the truth, and it was very effective. is growing like wildfire and predicatably, the leadership there is adding its own 88 disinfo ploy to stifle posters from wanting to talk and post news articles that criticize Israeli state mis-deeds.



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