Bush Signed Order Against Geneva Convention
um, can ANYONE explain why Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are not currently on trial for TREASON?
Here is Bush's signed order of Feb 7th, 2002:
"I accept the legal conclusion of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice that I have the authority to suspend Geneva (conventions) as between the United States and Afghanistan," Bush wrote. "I reserve the right to exercise this authority in this or future conflicts."
um, last time I checked treaties signed by the United States are binding and held as equivalent of Federal Law. they cannot be discarded by the self-claimed superiority of the power of the executive. and clearly, in this case, the suspension of Geneva Convention is not only a war crime, and a crime against humanity, but specifically and EXPLICITLY imperils all soldiers in the United States Armed Forces by suspending the protections gauranteed by them in the Geneva Convention and as enshrined in international law, as well as the Intl Treaty banning all forms of torture (which the US ratified in 1994).
in short, Bush has aided and abetted the enemy and placed all US military personnel in jeopardy of being tortured, rather than protected by Geneva.
this is pure TREASON.
the USA is a nation of laws, signified by the DUE PROCESS OF LAW, which makes us a symbol and paradigm of justice in the world. BUSH, CHENEY, and RUMSFELD, DELIBERATELY and with SINISTER INTENT SOUGHT TO CIRCUMVENT GENEVA, AND TO ABOLISH DUE PROCESS, by giving themselves unheard of dictatorial powers, including the stripping of US citizenship without evidence, indictment, representation, hearing or trial by jury. this is a direct and flagrant attack on the Constitution of the United States, a clear state of war AGAINST the United States. These men are TRAITORS.
When will the indictments be handed out?