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LOCAL News :: Labor

Congress Hotel Strike Anniversary

Images from the one year anniversary of the Congress Hotel strike...
01 Crowd Above Hor.jpg
02 Henry Tamarin.jpg
03 Smiles Interfaith Worker.jpg
04 Alderman.jpg
05 People Clapping Vert.jpg
06 Someone Speaking.jpg
07 Fist Man.jpg
08 Another  Union Man Speaks.jpg
09 Beautiful Woman Listens.jpg
On Tuesday, June15, an estimated one thousand supporters marched on the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago in an event that marked the one-year anniversary of Chicago's first hotel strike, when Congress workers walked off the job in response to illegal wage cuts and other unfair labor practices committed by hotel management. Stikers were joined by the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE, AFL-CIO) General President and community allies such as the Chicago Federation of Labor, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), Chicago Jobs with Justice, the Chicago Interfaith Committee on Workers Issues, Centro Sin Fronteras and ACORN.
At 4:55 PM, fifteen activists were arrested for an act of civil disobedience on Michigan Avenue during rush hour.  
Immediately following the arrests, a large banner with the inscription "Justice Now, Justicia Ahora" was unfolded from the ninth floor of the hotel, and remained in plain view for five minutes, until the security personnel forced their way inside the room and removed it.

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