Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Peace

Flood Kerry's campaign office with demands to end occupation in Iraq.

Send this letter to Kerry telling him to end the war in Iraq.
Senator John Kerry,

We are the voters registered to elect the United States president in 2004 and 2008. We recognize the war in Iraq as detrimental to our own troops, Iraqi citizens, and the reputation of the United States. We do mot want a president who perpetuates this violence, and are displeased with your plans to dispatch more troops into Iraq. We send you this message because we recognize that it is possible that you will be the president elect in 2004. (We also recognize that this is partially if not mainly due to the public’s disgust with George Bush and his choice to initiate an illegal war.) This war continues to loose popularity, and we the voters, are not interested in re electing in 2008 a president who has not put an immediate end to this profane violation of humanity. If you are elected in 2004, we will be paying close attention from the very beginning of your term- Please, please, Don’t let us down.
-The people

including :_________

This is the link to Kerry’s site:

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