Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Peace

New CIMC/Healing Earth/NWRC Progressive Film Forum Kickoff!

Healing Earth, in partnership with with Chicago Indymedia and New World Resource Center, is kicking off a new progressive film forum in Chicago next Wednesday, June 16th, 7-9pm at Healing Earth...

We are kicking off a new progressive film forum in Chicago next week,
Wed,  June 16th, 7-9pm,
at Healing Earth Resources,
3111 N. Ashland,
            the unanswered questions from 9/11
                produced by Guerrilla News Network
Chicago Indy Media, Healing Earth Resources and New World Resource Center
are collaborating on a new biweekly progressive forum for film and dialogue. Every other week a progressive film will be shown, with an unstructured but respectful dialogue to follow. New World Resources will bring related books you can buy. Progressive groups are welcome to bring written material for distribution and announcements of upcoming events, but nothing to sell please. Each week we will vote on the film to be seen at the next forum from a list of films and will take suggestions for future films. A small donation  of $2.00 is required to cover minimal room charges, coffee and future films.
Please come and tell your friends about this great opportunity to share with like minded progressive Chicagoans.
Subsequent dates so far are: June 30, July 14th, July 28th, Aug.11th, Aug. 25th, Sept. 8th
(parking is metered on the street or in the lot across Ashland from Healing Earth, 1 block south of Belmont)
???s, please e-mail to




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