News :: Globalization
Anti-FTAA initiative in Paraguay
The anti-FTAA movement considers that this agreement will mean subdue mechanisms for our nations. The governments will be subdued to this mechanisms or game rules that respond to the interests of the big corporations and which will negatively affect the social and sensitive sectors of the national economy.
They state that the FTAA is supposed to be a stage of negotiation with low operative costs for corporations, but at the same time it impose concepts and laws that won’t allow the governments to make public policies encouraging the strength of the little and middle companies and national industries.

Facing the scale economy and the high technologies, our little economies won’t be able to compete and will have to disappear or to become a corporation subsidiary, generating profits just for the industrialized countries.
The imposition of this game rules that doesn’t consider the economic differences will even affect the food sovereignty of our country because the corporations will handle food distribution.
The agriculture exploitation in our country will be subdued to orders directed from United States. Our economy will be tied to the agro-exporter model of basic goods and a strong dependence on the importation of technology and manufactured products.
The migration from the countryside to the city will be accelerated and the Land Reform will be definitively forgotten, the agro-exporters companies will control big part of the territory, moving the peasants, taking their lands, their way of life and their ways to feed their families.
For the investors, Paraguay and the other countries would only represent cheap and exploitable employees, without ties or exigencies as respecting the laborer or environmental laws or re-investing their profits in the territory receptor of the investment.
Paraguayan government won’t be able to demand the investors to guide their investments to foment the production and industrialization of our basic products. The doors are open for financial speculation and for the services sector, even for basic services as water and health, because everything will be considered as products and investment.
Between many other issues, the anti-FTAA Initiative points that the agreement will determinate the generalization, extension and unification of the patent and industrial property laws, deepening the domination of the science and technology by the US capital, even by the appropriation of human, animal and vegetal American patrimony.
Source: Jakueke agency