WASHINGTON - June 2 - Dear friend,
The occupation of Iraq is sliding into war crimes and deepening violence against civilians. We need to reach both John Kerry and George W. Bush with a simple message: bring our troops home, now.
Do you agree? Join our Unsilent Majority and send a letter to each of the major presidential candidates. To sign the "Two Letters from the Unsilent Majority," go to
For too long, pro-war voices have dominated the debate over the occupation of Iraq. Now it's our turn. United for Peace and Justice, the nation's largest antiwar coalition, is mobilizing 100,000 people between today and June 25 to tell John Kerry: Speak out! We remember your leadership against the war in Vietnam, and we demand the same courage today. June 25 is the first day of a weekend of protests organized jointly with Win Without War.
We have to remind John Kerry of his famous plea from 1971, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" We cannot afford a presidential campaign where there is no debate on the occupation, while a majority of voters support ending it as soon as possible. He must take a stand. Write Senator Kerry at
www.unitedforpeace.org/UnsilentMajority, and please pass this letter on to everyone you know who wants a real choice in 2004.
To President Bush, our message is simpler: Repent, admit your imperial folly, and end the occupation.
As evidence mounts of systematic war crimes in Iraq, we have a unique opportunity to indict the Bush/Cheney administration for its arrogance and corruption. If you want to speak truth to power, here is a special opportunity to speak directly to the President. Write George W. Bush at
www.unitedforpeace.org/UnsilentMajority .
We cannot reach 100,000 people by June 25 without your help. We need everyone who receives this appeal to send it on to their friends, family and co-workers. Together, we can tell both of these political leaders that we are not--and will never be--silent.
Are you part of the Unsilent Majority? Then join us.
Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, Howard Zinn
Leslie Cagan, National Coordinator, United for Peace and Justice
Initial Signers of the Unsilent Majority Petition (organizations listed for identification purposes only)
- Larry Adams
- NYC Labor Against the War
- Carolyn Boyd
- Black Voices for Peace
- Andrea Buffa
- Global Exchange
- Leslie Cagan
- United for Peace and Justice
- Kelly Campbell
- September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- Patricia Clark
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Terry Davis
- U.S. Labor Against War
- Lisa Fithian
- Root Activist Network of Trainers
- Bill Fletcher, Jr.
- TransAfrica Forum
- George Friday
- Independent Progressive Politics Network
- Yoshie Furuhashi
- Columbus Campaign for Arms Control
- Jen Geiger
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
-Van Gosse
- Historians Against the War
- Mary Lou Greenberg
- Not in Our Name
- Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler
- Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, Washington, D.C. and Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice
- Rebecca Kaiser
- Nebraskans for Peace
- Heesook Kim
- Young Koreans United
- Judith LeBlanc
- Communist Party USA
- Wol-san Liem
- Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
- Kiyoko McCrae
- PeaceWilliamsburg/El Puente Coalition for Peace and Justice
- Rahul Mahajan, Empire Notes
- Jessie Marshall
- National Youth and Student Peace Coalition
- George Martin
- Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace
- Kevin Martin
- Peace Action
- Rania Masri
- Institute for Southern Studies
- Ignacio Meneses
- National Network on Cuba
- Gael Murphy
- Lenore Palladino
- United Students Against Sweatshops
- Bal Pinguel
- American Friends Service Committee
- Bryan Proffitt
- Hip Hop Against Racist War
- Amy Quinn
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Carlito Rovira
- Vieques Support Campaign
- Josh Ruebner
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Sean Sellers
- Campus Greens
- Stewart Stout
- Reno Anti-War Coalition
- Bob Wing
- War Times
- Marvin Wingfield
- Tikkun Community
- Shirley Young
- Military Families Speak Out