Antiabortion Taliban Attack on Prescription Rights
Antiabortion zealots have devised a new attack upon a woman's right to control her own body: get state legislatures to exempt pharmacists who have "religious" or "moral" objections to dispensing medications related to birth control and abortion.
Women Refused Birth Control by Pharmacists
Dear Bob,
In an outrageous move to stop women from preventing unintended pregnancies, some pharmacists in Wisconsin, Texas, and New York have refused to fill prescriptions for birth control pills and emergency contraception (a high dosage of birth control pills).
Planned Parenthood is fighting back and you can too.
If you have been denied health care services at a pharmacy based on a pharmacist's religious, moral or ethical objections, tell us your story.
Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Planned Parenthood Action Network Team
Below is the sample letter:
Subject: Pharmacist Refusal
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
Tell us your story. Have you been denied a health care service based on religious, moral or ethical objections?
[insert personal story]
Bob Schwartz
Take Action!
Click here to take action on this issue
If you have friends who may have been been denied health care services based on moral objections, send them this message. Tell-a-Friend!
What's At Stake:
This year 13 states introduced legislation that would allow a pharmacist to deny health care services based on religious, moral or ethical objections.
Most of these states would even allow pharmacists to refuse to provide birth control.
If you have been denied health care services at a pharmacy based on moral objections, tell us your story.
*By sending your letter electronically or by U.S. mail, you are giving permission to Planned Parenthood to read it, edit it, post it, or not post it. It may be posted on any of our Web sites, printed, handed out, excerpted and reprinted, or reproduced in any way to any number of people in any location, both on-line and off. If you are under 18 and want your name or other identifying information used in your letter, your parent must sign a permission slip and mail it in with the letter.
Campaign Expiration Date:
September 27, 2004