In an outrageous statement, Secretary of HUD Alphonso Jackson claimed that, “being poor is a state of mind, not a condition.”
Urgent Update/News On The Section 8 Voucher Crisis/Funding Shortfalls Nationwide.
The Bush Administration's Proposals To Cut The Section 8 Programs By 40% Is Wreaking Havoc Across The Nation!
Roll Back The Rents, urges that the Public Housing Agencies "roll back the rents on the landlords," rather than raise the rents on poor tenants where funding shortfalls occur.
The funding shortfalls can be resolved by rolling back the rents!
For Updates On The Section 8 Housing Voucher Crisis And Other Tenant/Housing News, Join Roll Back the Rents!
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Update/News on Section 8 Voucher Crisis/Funding Shortfalls Nationwide.
Barney Frank HR 4263 Bill/Updates on bill to end FY 2004 voucher shortfall.
April 22 HUD Notice Creates Section 8 Funding Shortfalls
Voucher Cuts/Center on Budget Priorities
May 20 2004, Los Angeles
Officials Fight Planned Housing Aid Cuts
Los Angeles officials joined Wednesday in protesting proposals to change the federal government's Section 8 housing program, which they said could result in 13,000 Los Angeles families being without homes.
At a City Hall rally, Hahn urged people to call on Congress to resist efforts to change the Section 8 program, which provides rental vouchers to 44,000 households a year in the city and 2 million nationwide.
Voucher Shortfall Concerns
It is estimated that more than one third of the 2,600 PHAs that administer Section 8 vouchers will face funding shortfalls as a result of this policy change. According to the CBPP, the national funding shortfall for FY 2004 could total hundreds of millions of dollars. PHAs have until July 15 to file appeals with HUD.
In a letter to HUD expressing concern over the new policy, Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) estimated that 2,000 voucher holders could be terminated as early as June. According to Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), a shortfall of $550,000 in Massachusetts may lead to 600 voucher holders losing their vouchers.
Alameda Ca, Housing Authority still short $700,000 for June Section 8 rents.
In order to make the June Housing Assistance Payments (HAP), the Housing Authority will have to use its own reserves. In spite of this, the Housing Authority is still about $700,000 short. As such, the Housing Authority does not know if we can pay the full HAP on June 1. We know that we can pay at least 50% and we would commit to paying the balance within 90 to 120 days.
Portland protests voucher shortfalls/see comments at end of story.
Voucher Shortfalls In Vermont
May 21, 2004/Vermont, New Hampshire
Sanders made this comment in reaction to proposed cuts in Section 8 administration by HUD between 13 and 19 percent. For the Vermont State Housing Authority, the cuts represent 14.4 percent of their Section 8 administration budget or $262,000.
The voucher cuts would have had a wide ranging effect. Funding for the vouchers could have been cut by 12 percent, impacting more than 700 families in Vermont and thousands more nationwide.
Vermont has almost 6,100 voucher holders, representing almost 13,000 household members. The average voucher payment nationwide is about $ 500. In Vermont, the average voucher payment to landlords is $ 348, with the average tenant contribution at $ 270.
Seventy percent of Vermont voucher holders have an average income of $ 11,000 a year.
Audit confirms $59 billion still missing from HUD.
Dallas Housing Authority closes applications for Section 8 Vouchers.
(Needs to terminate nearly 500 vouchers by years end)
DALLAS (May 14, 2004) - Due to changes in federal funding, the Dallas Housing Authority will suspend taking applications for its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program beginning June 1, 2004.
May 20 2004, Quincy, Maine.
HUD blamed for holding back housing money
The Patriot Ledger
QUINCY - The Quincy Housing Authority faces a $1.5 million deficit that officials and advocates fear could force dozens of low-income families out of federally-subsidized housing.
If the issue isn't resolved, acting Housing Authority Executive Director Jacquelyn Loud said as many as 100 families could lose their rent assistance in Quincy within a few weeks.
"I'm scared. I don't know if I need to start packing up my things, or if I'm going be out on the street, or where I'm going to be," said Quincy resident Richard O'Brien, who receives a Section 8 voucher.
Oakland Housing Authority/Notice
On May 17 2004, landlords received their notice from their local Oakland PHA.
In part it reads;
ATTENTION! At this time, the Oakland Housing Authority does not anticipate any funding shortfalls it cannot cover with reserves, nor does the Authority expect to cancel any Section 8 contracts.
Housing agencies forced to terminate Section 8 contracts
505 Housing Agencies Split Funding For Voucher Shortfalls
Jackson angered some Democrats on the committee when he said in response to a question: "I do not believe being poor is a condition, it is a state of mind."
On May 20, Secretary Alphonso Jackson testified before the House Financial Services Committee and angered many by his response to questioning.
In an outrageous statement, Secretary of HUD Alphonso Jackson claimed that, “being poor is a state of mind, not a condition.”
Click below for more info on voucher shortfalls and Jacksons comments..
New HUD Policy Will Force Immediate Cuts In Housing Voucher Assistance For Low-Income Families , 4/26/04
... to cover voucher funding shortfalls, but it is ... a housing unit with a monthly rent of $600. [ 7] For example, one agency in New York City reports ...
National Multi Housing Council/Voucher Concerns
As an example of what is likely to occur around the country, Massachusetts would have been forced to rescind vouchers from 3,700 families because the new policy creates a $3.1 million gap in Section 8 funds. More than 2,000 people showed up at the Massachusetts State House on April 16, 2004 for a hearing to determine how to deal with the funding crisis.
The crisis in Massachusetts follows a situation in Los Angeles in early April where HUD threatened to put housing authority into receivership over funding shortfalls in their voucher program.
Bush Cuts Public Housing/Mar 2004
Housing agencies speak out against HUD Flexible Voucher Proposal
(PHA's believe the plan may be the ultimate demise for the Section 8 Program)
Boston stops accepting applications for Public Housing & Section 8 Programs.
May 28/Tacoma Washington
HUD cutbacks blasted; Low-income housing: Tacomans turn out in droves to protest federal plan that bores $2.6 million hole in local voucher budget
May 27/Salt Lake City
Aids recipients blast voucher cuts
May 30/Tacoma Washington
Proposed cuts unwise & cruel
Since when did the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development become an enemy of the poor? That's what a lot of low-income tenants and local housing officials must be wondering these days.
The Pierce County Housing Authority, which operates the voucher program outside of Tacoma, has already tightened its belt by canceling 200 vouchers and reducing the cash value of current vouchers by 10 percent.
Unlike THA, Pierce County's fiscal year ends in December. If these cuts aren't enough to save about $ 1.2 million, the agency may have to cancel another 200 vouchers.
May 28/New York/Syracuse New York
Rent subsidy cuts opposed
Similar protests were happening simultaneously throughout the nation as part of an effort to object to the Bush administration's plans to eliminate about 250,000 vouchers or $1.6 billion from the Section 8 program next year. The cuts are in the proposed federal budget.
Fred Murphy, executive director of Syracuse Housing Authority, said about 3,000 households in Onondaga County receive Section 8 vouchers. That's about $1.2 million being shelled out every month.
If the cuts are approved, 160 households could lose their housing subsidy, he said.
May 24/Omaha Nebraska
HUD orders cuts;
Reduce the number of families served. Raise rents on already cash-strapped people. Lower payments to landlords. Put the elderly, disabled and working poor families who need a place to live ahead of others in equally dire straits.
The Omaha Housing Authority, which provides 3,700 vouchers to poor families, is facing a net loss of about $ 1 million. The agency will have to cut $ 250,000 from its $ 2 million Section 8 administration budget plus deal with decreased voucher payments amounting to $ 18 per voucher per month.
The Douglas County Housing Authority, which provides 924 vouchers to families living west of 72nd Street, will have to cut about $ 122,000.
May 23 2004/The Bronx
Subsidized Tenants/Rise in Rents as Contracts Expire
Low-income housing in the Bronx is in the middle of a sea change that could leave thousands of tenants drowning in high rents over the coming years.
May 25/Blow to rent program.
In New York City, which accounts for 110,000 vouchers, housing authorities fear that thousands of tenants may not be able to pay their rent as the maximum amount of the subsidy doesn't keep pace with city rents.
Funding shortfalls create feud between PHA's & HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson.
HUD sabotages Section 8 Programs
NAHRO/National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials.
Funding shortfall to operate Section 8 Programs state by state figures...
Hud budget summary FY 2005
Fair Market Rents/Mao/Lists/Nationwide for 2004
click below for PDF FMR California List
Click below for Nation Wide Map Of Fair Market Rents
Public Housing Agencies/Profile Listings