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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Peace

M 31 - Memorial Day: VVAW Anti-War Action

When: Memorial Day - Monday, May 31 - 11: AM
Where: Wacker and Wabash

Join Vietnam Veterans Against the War at the corner of Wacker and Wabash from 11 am to 12 noon, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31 as we call to End the War in Iraq and Bring the Troops Home.

Speakers at the event will include:

  • Vietnam War veterans
  • An Iraqi war veteran
  • A soldier who has refused orders to Iraq

    The event will also announce the new VVAW-sponsored counseling program for American military personnel to help with issues while on duty and afterwards.

    At noon, VVAW members and supporters will surround the fountain for a moment of silence and throw in flowers to commemorate the dead.



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