LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development
University of Chicago Accountability Speakout and Community Fair - Sat. June 5th
Hold the University of Chicago accountable to students, workers and community!
June 5th 12 - 4 pm
University Church Courtyard
5655 South University Avenue
1st Annual South Side Community, Labor,
June 5th
University Church courtyard, 57th + University
12-1 (and ongoing)
Fair w/ info from community, worker + student groups
*1PM - SPEAKOUT* - Groups and individuals are invited to share brief reflections from varying struggles across the South Side, on and off campus.
1:30-3:30pm - Networking/Strategizing breakouts
Five thematic breakouts:
1)"Gentrification on the South Side",
2)"Labor Rights on the South Side"
3)"Diversity on the University Campus,"
4)"Human Rights on the South Side,"
5)"University/Community Relations - Monologue or
Interested groups are invited to have tables, to say a few words at the 1o'clock speakout, and to participate and/or help facilitate the networking/strategizing breakouts.
Please pass the word along.
Confirmed participation:
-Angels of Def
-University of Hip Hop
-Coalition Against Politce Brutality (CAP Brutality)
-Woodlawn East Community and Neighbors (WECAN)
-Students Organized and United w/ Labor (SOUL)
-Metropolitan Area Group Igniting Civilization (MAGIC)
-Students of Color Coalition (SOC)
-Friends of the Checkerboard, Bronzeville
-Teamsters Local 743 New Leadership Slate
-SEIU Local 73
-Centers for New Horizons
-Illinois Nurses Association
-Save Our Student Health Insurance
-Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture