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SCP drops lawsuit against Printed Matter

radical group drops lawsuit against arts organization accused of suppressing book
Yesterday the Surveillance Camera Players dropped its breach-of-contract lawsuit against Printed Matter and David Platzker because, despite the obvious merits of its case, the group couldn't substantiate its claim that it had suffered $1,000 in damages. (Had the SCP sued for $4, which was the cost of round-trip subway fare to Printed Matter's offices, the group would likely have won a judgment in its favor.) But winning a financial judgment against the defendants was never the goal of the lawsuit. The goal was to show that the SCP wasn't going to take the defendants' cowardly behavior lying down. In the course of the proceedings, the SCP learned that its out-of-court tactics -- encouraging supporters of the group to send e-mails to Platzker, sendind snail-mailed letters to all of Printed Matter's financial supporters, and posting this blog -- were very effective in putting pressure on Printed Matter. The SCP strongly encourages others to take similar actions when they feel they have been wronged. -- Addendum added 25 May 2004.



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