Bicycle Safety opportunity for Federal Cash
We are 6 months from a Presidential election in the US and in the past 30 days both candidates have had significant bicycle mishaps. Lets capitalize ont his for bike trails, safe routes, protection from homicidal drivers etc.

Look at the play in the media this presidential select bicycle accident is getting. When will we ever have a better time and better examples to get some kind of a Bicyclist Protection Act. Candidate Kerry fell of his rode bike this month also and had to be driven away by the secrete service, we should have receptive ears. With uniform National enforcement like MADD did in the 80's? We should be reaping promises of big money from both candidates.
Bike lanes, bike trails, safe routes, school cycling programs (start em young), tax rebates or credits for commuters cyclist or bike purchase, pushing cycling as a lifestyle, effective enforcement against homicidal drivers, public awareness campaigns on tv, radio, newspapers etc.
Daley says Kerry went too far with joke about president's fall
May 26, 2004
Mayor Daley scolded Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry Tuesday for making a wisecrack about the bicycle accident that scraped the face, hands and knees of President Bush.
According to the Drudge Report, Kerry was having a conversation with reporters that he apparently believed was off the record when he reportedly asked, "Did the training wheels fall off?"
Daley, who ripped the skin off his kneecap during a bicycle accident a few years ago, said the joke was disrespectful. "When someone falls . . . you should not wish ill upon anyone. It's not right. . . . You just don't do that. Let's have some respect for one another."
To Daley, Kerry's remark symbolized a hate-filled brand of politics the mayor has long despised.
"The thing I worry about in politics is all of these people hating one another [saying], 'I hate Kerry', 'I hate Bush.' I wish the former presidents -- Carter and Ford and Clinton and Bush -- would all get up and tell people, 'You may support candidates, but don't hate the other candidate.'
"You see too much hate. And I'll tell you one thing -- hate will turn on people. . . . When hate gets in politics, it's a very, very dangerous aspect." Fran Spielman