Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police : Prisons

Object to Police Torture at City Hall, May 26

Attend City Council Hearing
may 26th 10AM

Mayor Daley Covers up Police Torture!!!

Jam City Hall!!!

May 26, 10:00AM

Last month Daley denied families of torture victims the right to free speech when Families were locked out of a public city council
hearing. What does Mayor Daley got to hide? He publicly denounced torture in Iraq but what about his own torture conspiracy cover up right here in chicago. we're saying to Daley "you can run but you can't hide" It's open season all bets are off!!! NOW THAT THE WORLD KNOWS WHAT AMERICAN SOLDIERS DO TO PRISONERS ABROAD LET'S TALK ABOUT
WHAT AMERICAN COPS DO TO BLACKS & LATINOS RIGHT HERE AT HOME we are going back to demand that the Mayor truely denounces torture by fessing up to the torture that occurred under his watch here in
chicago and hold the officials accountable.

Ask Mayor Daley what he knows about the hundred Black and Latino torture victims or the countless other wrongfully convicted and sentenced who were railroaded to prison during his watch as States
Attorney. It's time to hold these politicians accountable for the railroading of a generation of Black and Latino men to prison. Its time to ask the Mayor why their building jails instead of schools, stripping the neighborhoods of social services, and taking away jobs; while putting more cops on the street to harass our young people for
the crime of being poor and Black. Enough is Enough! It's time to point fingers at the real perpetrators of this despicable racist system. ! FIGHT BACK! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Attend City Council Hearing
may 26th 10AM


its on! last month families of police torture victims were locked out of a public city hearing. the families were stripped of their right to free speech. this time the families will be heard.



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