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Help to Stop Global Warming The Day BEFORE Tomorrow at Your Local Movie Theater

Ideas for Action at you local movie theater for The Day After Tomorrow movie
The Day After Tomorrow is a movie that, while not realistic scenario of global warming, gives it as a cause and is a great opportunity to get global warming to be put in the forefront of public discourse where it belongs and get the necessary things done to reduce it to minimize its effects and suffering from them.
The average American contributes an average of more that 20 tons a year of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
"Humanity is conducting an unintended, uncontrolled, globally pervasive experiment whose ultimate consequences could be second only to a global nuclear war. The Earth' s atmosphere is being changed at an unprecedented rate by pollutants resulting from human activities, inefficient and wasteful fossil fuel use, and the effects of rapid population growth in many regions. These changes represent a major threat to international security and are already having harmful consequences over many parts of the globe."--Statement by WMO, UNEP, and Environment Canada at The Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security Conference, Toronto, June 1988.

“Our climate is warming at a faster rate than ever before recorded."--NOAA Administrator D. James Baker April 18, 2000

"A child born in a wealthy country is likely to consume, waste, and pollute more in his lifetime than 50 children born in developing nations. Our energy-burning lifestyles are pushing our planet to the point of no return. It is dawning on us at last that the life of our world is as vulnerable as the children we raise."--George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, UK

"Globally, emissions may have to be reduced, the scientists are telling us, by as much as 60% or 70%, with developed countries likely to have to make even bigger cuts if we're going to allow the developing world to have their share of growing industrial prosperity…The Kyoto Protocol is only the first rather modest step. Much, much deeper emission reductions will be needed in future. The political implications are mind-blowing."--Michael Meacher, UK Environment Minister, November 2000

"The Kyoto Protocol will delay warming by less than ten years"--Bob Watson, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

"In the year 2065, on current trends, damage from climate change will exceed global GDP."--Andrew Dlugolecki, General Insurance Development

"To me the question of the environment is more ominous than that of peace and war....I'm more worried about global warming than I am of any major military conflict."--Hans Blix, chief UN weapons inspector, March 2003).

"To overcome the power of the big oil and auto corporations and entrenched special interests, we are going to have to build a very big movement."--Ronnie Cummins, Campaign on Auto Pollution

“The Day After Tomorrow is an exaggerated look at the impacts of global warming, but it’s no exaggeration to say that global warming is happening now and that our children and grandchildren will have to live with the impacts.”--Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs at Princeton University

Go to the Movies to Stop Global Warming

Hollywood Science Fiction a Great Chance to Spread the Facts About Global Warming

When: Friday, May 28 – Monday, May 31 (or longer)
Where: At Your Local Movie Theater
What: Distribute Leaflets and Make Signs About the Realities of Climate Chaos and Spur People to Action
Why: On Friday, May 28 the blockbuster climate disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow" will open in theaters around the world. This is the first major studio film to address the issue of human-driven climate change, and therefore offers an unprecedented opportunity to reach people who are unaware of the threats posed by global warming and forward this issue into the public forum to give it the serious public consideration, debate, and action it deserves.
(above message adapted from

Here are some different organizations’ and people’s ideas for flyers, action ideas, and opportunities to commit to an action in your community.

1. I made these following two flyers. I recommend a 7 point font and extend the margins to reduce paper use and print as many as possible. You may edit it as you see fit for space or content. You can copy and past this on your word processor to fill a sheet, print it out, and then make as many copies as you can. Suggested ideas for signs: “Let’s Reduce Greenhouse Gases The Day BEFORE Tomorrow!”, “The Day After Tomorrow is Science Fiction, but Global Warming Is SCIENCE FACT!”, “Stop These Future Headlines: 150 Million Climate Refugees Seek Hospitable Regions to Escape Sea Level Rise and Drought, Global Warming’s Species Extinction Toll Reaches 1 Million”, etc., “Sign this petition to ask that this movie theater buy or install renewable energy in response to ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and the importance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use” (You can do this instead of passing out Flyer 1 or use both.), “Pentagon Says Abrupt Climate Change Could Seriously Affect US National Security”, “USA Produces 25% of greenhouse gases. #1 for This in the World, and The Most Per Person in the Entire World”, “Be the Hero of this Real-life Climate Saga by Reducing Your Use and Urging Business & Gov’t Leaders to Conserve and Go Renewable!”, “Reduce Global Warming The Day BEFORE Tomorrow!”, “The REAL Cost of Gas is A Lot More Than $2! Drive Less! Ride Bus and Bike More to Stop Global Warming!”, “USA contributes 25% of world’s greenhouse gases, but only 5% of its population.” “The average American produces 20 tons of greenhouse gases! 5 times the average world citizen! Let’s liberate the world from global warming! Reduce your fossil fuel use!”, “Buy Energy Bill Cost-Saving Compact Fluorescent Bulbs to Reduce Global Warming.” You can put the other flyers from,, and Environmental Defense on the signs. You can also act out different impromptu skits about global warming in front of the theater to people in line like pretend you are a character from the future environmental refugees or people currently suffering like people from the island of Tuvulu who will have to evacuate their island from sea level rise and who have sued the US government for this global warming effect, farmer whose crops are failing because of drought, last animal of species mourning what global warming has done to its species, someone suffering from water shortage, etc.

Flyer 1- Give this to the movie-goers and tell them to give these to the box office attendants.

* If you agree with the following statement, please give this to the box office attendant when you purchase your ticket *
Thank you for playing the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" which addresses the issue of global warming. This movie theater or the whole theater company could make a valuable contribution to decrease their impact on real problem of global warming by offsetting its own carbon dioxide emissions from its annual electricity use like this movie’s producers did for this movie’s contribution to greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, installing renewable energy equipment like solar panels at the theater, or buying the electricity from a renewable energy company for electricity needed for lights and showing the motion pictures. This would also send a powerful message that are showing this that entertainment can have a tremendous impact on society in teaching us important lessons, that the purveyors of this movie have learned its serious message of environmental sustainability and are willing to act on it, and it could encourage other businesses and individuals to act on this movie’s lesson as well. Please consider this and visit these websites for more information.,,,

Flyer 2- Give these to movie-goers to keep.

Reduce your greenhouse gases by driving less, getting products with less packaging, recycling, reusing, buying less unnecessary items, buy more locally-produced products, eat organic food and less meat, use less electricity, buy compact fluorescent bulbs, buy your electricity from a renewable energy company, install solar panels at your home:, urge others to do this, go to and contact Ford at 1-800-392-3673 to encourage the company to be more fuel efficient, boycott Exxon:, urge political leaders to to legislate carbon taxes, renewable energy, public transportation, better fuel and energy efficiency standards, and caps on greenhouse gas emissions, join the Green Party to stop corporate influence of government and media for environmentally sustainable society:, and go to these websites for more info:“The Day After Tomorrow” and the real issue of global warming:,, Take Action Personally:,, Interactive Display of How Global Warming Works and Taking Action to Reduce It:, News and Information about Global Warming:, World Map of Current Effects:, Future Forests was used to offset the greenhouse gases contributed from the movie’s production:, A one stop source for renewable energy providers:, Article About Pentagon Report on Abrupt Climate Change:, Information on sustainable society:, An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security:, Get a coupon for free ice cream by sending letter from

Here’s a more abridged version of Flyer 2:

Reduce greenhouse gases by driving less, getting products with less packaging, recycling, reusing, buying less unnecessary items, buy more locally-produced products, eat organic food and less meat, use less electricity, buy compact fluorescent bulbs, buy your electricity from a renewable energy company, install solar panels at your home:, urge others to do this, go to and contact Ford at 1-800-392-3673 to encourage the company to be more fuel efficient, boycott Exxon:, urge political leaders to legislate carbon taxes, renewable energy, public transportation, better fuel and energy efficiency standards, and caps on greenhouse gas emissions, join the Green Party to stop corporate influence of government and media for environmentally sustainable society:, and go to these websites for more info:“The Day After Tomorrow” and the real issue of global warming:,,,,,,,

Here’s a super short Flyer 2:

Learn more about “the Day After Tomorrow” and the real issue of global warming by going to these websites and using this information and suggestions to reduce greenhouse gases:,,,,,,,,, and contact Ford at 1-800-392-3673 to encourage the company to be more fuel efficient, boycott Exxon:, urge political leaders to legislate carbon taxes, renewable energy, public transportation, better fuel and energy efficiency standards, caps on greenhouse gas emissions, and pass Climate Stewardship Act, join the Green Party to stop corporate influence of government and media for environmentally sustainable society:

OR Shorter

Learn more about “the Day After Tomorrow” and the real issue of global warming by going to these websites and using this information and suggestions to reduce greenhouse gases:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Petition for Movie Theater Switch to Renewable Energy
Dear _____________________________________________________________ Movie Theater,
Thank you for playing the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" which addresses the issue of global warming. This movie is fictional scenario that couldn’t happen, but the problem of global warming is real. This movie theater or the whole theater company could make a valuable contribution to decrease their impact on real problem of global warming by offsetting its own carbon dioxide emissions from its annual electricity use like this movie’s producers did for this movie’s contribution to greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, installing renewable energy equipment like solar panels at the theater, or buying the electricity from a renewable energy company for electricity needed for lights and showing your motion pictures. This would also send a powerful message that are showing this that entertainment can have a tremendous impact on society in teaching us important lessons, that the purveyors of this movie have learned its serious message of environmental sustainability and are willing to be the first to act on it seeing as they have the closest relationship with it, and it could encourage other businesses and individuals to act on this movie’s lesson as well. Please consider this and visit these websites for more information.,,,
Signature Printed Name Address

You can also ask people questions about global warming while they are standing in line outside the theater if you want. Here are some websites where you can get quiz questions and answers about global warming:,,

2.’s The Day After Tomorrow campaign:
Be counted by as a participant in this campaign and commit to helping with this campaign on their site:
(Although it alone won’t avert a climate crisis but could be a good start) please sign their petition calling on Bush and Congress to pass the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act, at:
Nearly 20 million Americans are expected to see this movie, with as many as 7 or 8 million over Memorial Day weekend alone. Because the movie capitalizes on our real-life concerns over climate change, audiences are likely to walk out of the theater asking themselves: "Could it really happen?" We'll be there to answer that question with our flyers.
The right wing has already cranked up its PR machine to discredit the movie as "fright flick" propaganda cooked up by climate change conspiracy theorists. Never mind that they're relying on stone-age science, or that they're light-years behind the curve on the public's acceptance of global warming as a real environmental threat.
The news media are already buzzing about our plans. Yesterday, we held a press conference to officially launch the campaign, and stories have already appeared in the Associated Press, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.
We can't afford to wait until the day after tomorrow to address the climate crisis. We hope you'll be part of this fun summer campaign to elevate global warming from movie-house thrill-ride to White House priority.
Sincerely, --Carrie, Joan, Noah, Peter, and Wes, The Team, May 12th, 2004
P.S.: You can see the movie trailer at:

3. Rainforest Action Network & Global Exchange “The Day After Tomorrow” campaign:
Help with the Jumpstart Ford campaign by passing out these nifty two-sided flyers to get people to encourage Ford to increase their fuel efficiency and banks to stop investing in projects that contribute to global warming. You can commit to an action on this website as well.
Here’s their very neat flyer that spoofs the movie poster:
Two Thumbs Down for Climate Destruction
From coast to coast we need your help to distribute flyers, get petition signatures, and give moviegoers an opportunity to take action. In addition, we can help you organize after-movie parties and discussion groups the opening week of the film.
Although it may take a Hollywood-style weather disaster to spur public concern over climate change, we can use this as a chance to build the movement for a sustainable economy.
This does not have to be a ton of work—but it can be a ton of fun. It’s as easy as getting three or four friends together to go see the film, and then before and after the screening passing out postcards to your fellow movie goers as they enter or leave the auditorium.
Jason Mark, Global Exchange, or 415-558-9490
Tara Wolfson, Rainforest Action Network, or 415.398.4404
Thank you for your efforts to create a truly sustainable economy!

4. Help get the Climate Stewardship Act passed in Congress by printing out Environmental Defense’s petition and asking movie-goers to sign it outside of the theater:
Here’s their full-page flyer:

5. Encourage others to get involved further involved in sustained efforts in your community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and create a group that does things to make this happen. In other words, organize! Have a sheet for interested people to put their contact information to contact them later to participate in further activities.
Would you like to help make our community decrease its greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels? Sign your name and contact information, and I will contact you about opportunities to meet and discuss ideas for opportunities to improve like through public transportation, renewable energy, and energy efficiency and action like attending government local council meetings, putting on demonstrations, and participating in outreach to the community. Sign up! Let’s stop this together!
Printed Name Email Phone Number



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