Israel's Democratic Operatives in the U.S. are Preparing to Pick Up and Run with the Bush War.
Prepare for a continuation of pro-war policies if Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is elected in November. Please recall that candidate Kerry—-a renowned liberal even by Massachusetts’ standards—-voted nonetheless in favor of Bush’s pre-emptive war on Iraq. In addition, Kerry’s recent critiques of the Bush administration’s war policies focus primarily on military failures and political blunders (now bordering on fiascos) that haunt Team Bush. Candidate Kerry shows no interest in correcting the fundamental biases that have brought America to this precipice in the first place. If elected, Kerry has offered no commitment to end quickly the discredited, multi-billion dollar invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Kerry does however accept Ariel Sharon’s policies of colonization in Palestine, ethnic cleansing, and territorial expansion by conquest. The Kerry candidacy therefore represents an insidious political merger. Seldom before have two candidates' 'stark similarities' been so pronounced. On the question of U.S. aggression in the Middle East, the Democrats and Republicans have colluded to provide America with a ‘one party’ system. Its overriding goal is simple: advance Israel’s most extreme political agendas.
So in the event of a Kerry win, watch for the emergence of a new political animal: the ‘neo-Liberal’. Whereas the Kennedy wing of the Democratic Party has, at least since Viet Nam, produced predictable sound-bites about "unjust wars" etc., the insatiable demands for regional domination by Israel will inevitably require even more U.S.-subsidized incursions into the Middle East—this time with a Democratic Stamp of Approval. Why?--Because when it comes to Israel, the Democrats (like the modern Republican party) are simply unable to say “No”. Please recall that the crippling economic 'sanctions' on Iraq imposed by Democratic Pres. Clinton are credited with killed more Iraqis than both Bush wars combined! Expect more of the same with Kerry.
Jewish donors and activists (not to mention party bosses and a disproportionate number of candidates) now comprise the new Democratic establishment. On the Republican side we’ve seen the emergence of Christian Zionists who, while lacking the political savvy and strategic thinking of their Jewish counterparts, partly make up for their intellectual deficit by sheer numbers. But it’s the Israeli-Americans who run the show. Upon victory, Kerry and his phalanx of Zionist political colleagues (including Tom Lantos, Diane Feinstein, Henry Waxman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Joe Lieberman, and others) will morph into ‘neo-Liberals”: pro-choice, anti-tobacco, pro-affirmative action, pro-gay, pro-women’s 'rights'--and unabashedly pro-war in the Middle East.
Using new variations on the ‘war on terror’ theme, watch the Dems follow the Republican neo-conservative path towards relentless pursuit of Israel’s foes while they simultaneously forgive all Zionist sins. Watch as even the pretense of evenhandedness towards the Arab world atrophies under the hardening Israeli-American ‘special relationship’. Under Kerry, and with ongoing support from media and governing elites, the Zionization of the U.S. foreign policy will inch inexorably forward.
In their cultural-political effectiveness, Israel's countless boosters are without peer. Despite the headlines and innuendo, the oil politics of the Bush-Cheney-Haliburton clique are a mere shadow of organized Zionism’s unparalleled prowess in our political marketplace. America's ‘war on terror’ is actually camouflage for our nation's ‘war on Israel’s enemies’. That’s why the terror attack of 911 morphed so easily into a handy pretext for Zionized America to eradicate one of Israel’s most intractable foes. Iraq’s ‘liberation’ turned into a military rout of the worst kind. U.S. brutality has been exposed, and iraq's people are in greater pain and turmoil now than ever under Saddam Hussein. The winner? Israeli hardliners.
America’s media culture is similarly corrupted, extending well beyond incessant Holocaust imagery. Consider, for instance, how major U.S. news media regularly takes note of, and implicitly mourns, fallen Israeli troops even in the occupied West Bank. At the same time, American journalists rarely address the thousands of Iraqi or Palestinian civilians who have been, or are being, maimed and killed by allied and Israeli forces. That America’s “liberation” of Iraq is now opposed overwhelming by the very people we were claiming to save is barely considered news. The Big Picture, we are falsely told, concerns stopping the irrational, terrorist bogeyman, bringing 'democracy' to the Arab world, or freeing Muslim women from the chains of religious fundamentalism. But when the bombs drop, who really benefits? Once again it’s our ‘plucky, democratic ally’ who has managed to drag the world’s only superpower into its perpetual, ethnic-based war against its besieged regional enemies.
While the implications of this phenomenon are becoming widely understood, they are still only whispered about, since a candid discussion of Jewish/Zionist power in America remains our greatest taboo. Better that the New York TIMES run another Major Story about the economic disparities between urban blacks and whites than it ever investigate the dark implications of entrenched Zionist militancy at the highest spheres of American life. Where’s affirmative action when you need it?
What happened to all those righteous, (Jewish) Liberals who engineered the now-sacred Civil Rights movement in the South and who were later so committed to ending ‘Apartheid’ in South Africa? Apparently, segregation remains kosher when it’s reserved for Jews. These and other Zionist double standards are now accepted tenets of our 'received' political values. What keeps Americans looking the other way? It may be the engineered fear of being labeled “anti-Semitic”, even as Israel expands its borders and persecutes non-Jews. Whatever its cause, the time to demand an end to U.S. support for Apartheid Israel has arrived.
Speaking of ‘fear’, consider these contemporary American ‘customs’: while it’s acceptable to discuss the “Jewish vote” in mainstream media, real Jewish influence comes not from their miniscule numbers (Jews comprise only 2.5% of the U.S. electorate) but from Jewish wealth, solidarity, determination and position. This unique phenomenon (unless it’s being debunked) is off limits for analysis. Expect CBS (or NBC-ABC-CNN-FOX) to run another “white supremacists meet in Idaho” segment, or air a story about the Vatican’s ‘failure to speak out” during The Holocaust, long before this disturbing political fact is ever even acknowledged.
So pervasive is this Judeo-centric worldview among America’s governing elites that failure to pledge unconditional allegiance to Israel now virtually assures political suicide. Recall what happened to Democratic Presidential hopeful Howard Dean when he expressed a desire for more “even-handedness” and balance in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Following those remarks, Dean’s candidacy went into a tailspin. House Democrats Jim Moran, Cynthia McKinney and others have all paid a similarly heavy price for arousing the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby. Republicans, too, face similar pressures. Former Illinois Congressman Paul Findley, himself a victim of this dark, extra-national force, has written extensively on the subject.
But whatever your politics, the ethno-religious exclusivity of Zionism is simply an unworkable add-on to the American ideals of a color-blind democracy, equal treatment before the law for all citizens, and the separation of church and state, or in this case, 'synagogue and state'.
Witness these values being stood on their head as Pres. Bush proclaims--as if he is the sole, high and mighty authority and special conduit of God Himself--that the Palestinian refugees must give up their right to return to their homeland, even though UN Resolutions, International Law and world opinion affirm otherwise. Our President (during an election year no less) recently declared that Israelis may keep virtually all of the Palestinian territory that they have captured through war and deception. This sanctioned theft repudiates the initiatives of every preceding U.S. Administration. Bush’s recklessness might yet inspire the convening of a Constitutional Convention so abuses of this magnitude can be prevented from recurring.
If America is being targeted because terrorists are “jealous of our freedoms” as Bush and his speechwriters claim, why then don’t terrorists attack other Western democracies like Canada, New Zealand, Sweden or Japan? Significantly, Presidential fabrications like this are often overlooked, even by leading commentators. Are these media ‘watchdogs’ willing to let themselves be deceived for the right cause? Why should it be of no interest that so many American editors, publishers, producers and opinion-makers (Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer and Bill Safire, to name a few) qualify for Israeli citizenship? Shouldn’t they concede that there might be a conflict of interest here?
Indeed, many Americans are now aware that the war on Iraq was based on false intelligence, misleading claims and phony allegations. Hussein’s purported link to Al Queda and his non-existent WMD’s were part of an Israeli-American plan to wage war on Iraq and intimidate any nation that threatens the Jewish State. Yet Kerry's criticisms of this unnecessary war are cautious and narrowly focused. Following the revelations of U.S. misconduct at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, Candidate Kerry called for the resignation of one U.S. official, Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld. It was a symbolic maneuver designed to undermine Bush but sustain ongoing policies.
Now that the NeoConservative Bush regime is coming under fire for its military blunders and misdeeds, it may soon be time for the Zionists to adopt Plan B. If the Bush war fails, the Israeli torch will simply pass to Zionist Liberal Democrat John Kerry. Unfortunately, career politicians and media bosses may be correct in betting that the American people are indeed dumb enough not to detect Israeli fingerprints on U.S. imperialism in the Middle East. Pity the poor Arabs in Israel, and pity the poor, unwitting American people as they underwrite this political fiasco. The corrosive impact that Zionist policies are having on our nation’s reputation will be felt for generations. Our children and grandchildren will likely inherit a far more dangerous world.
In the meantime, our Zionized media is now having a field day deconstructing the Bush Administration and its expendable cast of NeoCon warriors. No problem. Whatever the election results, our Zionist-worshiping ruling class will inevitably produce an administration that accommodates all Israeli demands. Other than that, the political parties and their carefully chosen hacks are free to squabble about gun control, health care, tax reform, tobacco regulation, whatever. The only Sacred Cow in American politics is Israel. Today the sacrificial lambs are Palestine and Iraq; tomorrow it could be Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia. Bringing freedom to foreign lands is an endless crusade.
And while you’re at it, keep your eye on House Resolution 4230, the ‘Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act’. This Orwellian bill, concocted by Jewish American "leaders" in Congress, proposes to combat "Anti-Semitism" anywhere and everywhere in the world! Feeling warm and safer now?
So watch for the morphing of the NeoCons into the NeoLiberals into the everyday, everywhere cheerleaders for Israel. Be prepared to have more totalitarian schemes served up in idealistic packaging that use phrases like: "protecting Muslim women", "advancing the cause of democracy" and of course, "ending terror".
What’s a voter to do? Demand actual reform. Choosing the ‘lesser of two evils’ doesn’t solve the embedded Israeli conundrum. It’s time withhold support of the two major parties (since they’ve become hopelessly corrupted) and take alternative action. Speak out. Expose the unpleasant truths about Zionism. Also: choose the Third Party candidate who most resolutely rejects the Israelization of America. Even the longest journey begins with one step.
If enough people want justice and equality before the law, there will be justice and equality before the law, and only then will there be a real chance for peace.
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Mark Green and Wendy Campbell are California-based filmmakers and media activists. Ms. Campbell's website is where you can order powerful videos including Mark Green's “Myth, Terrorism and Taboo”.
For additional information about the “Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict”, visit or
To contact Mark Green:
markgreen (at)