“We fast today so that we may taste justice for farmworkers tomorrow!”
Farmworkers call for National Day of Fasting Next Thursday, May 20th!
Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in their protest against Taco Bell's parent company, Yum! Brands, during its annual shareholders meeting Thursday, May 20th
Yum! Brands Shareholder Action - Louisville, KY
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers will make the 1000-mile trek from Immokalee, FL, to Louisville, KY, to hold an all-day fast and action at Yum! Brands annual shareholder meeting, calling on the world's largest fast-food company to use its gigantic buying power to protect human rights in its supply chain. From 8am to 5pm on May 20th, the farmworkers and their allies will fast, hold a major press conference, and protest outside of Yum! Brands' headquarters.
If you live anywhere within several hours of Louisville, please consider making the trek out to the action! Food and housing will be provided, and rides are available from many areas - just e-mail
organize (at) sfalliance.org for more details.
National Day of Fasting for Farmworker Justice
Even if you can't make it to Louisville, farmworkers are calling on YOU to help put pressure on Yum! Brands - by joining in a NATIONAL DAY of FASTING for Farmworker Justice! By pledging to go without food on Thursday, May 20th, you will send a powerful message to Yum! Brands! Our voices will be heard! We will display and read the names of everyone who commits to fasting as we protest with our minds, bodies, and spirits in front of Yum!'s headquarters on the 20th. To sign up, send us your name, city, and a brief statement of solidarity if you like, to
workers (at) ciw-online.org, by Tuesday, May 18th so we can include you in this impressive and historic list!
JOIN US in a critical time in this campaign - the Taco Bell Boycott has celebrated its 3-year anniversary with a monstrous Taco Bell Truth Tour, an unprecedented national wave of student hunger strikes, and now the endorsement of the largest Protestant church in the US, the 8-million strong United Methodists. Come be a part of history!!
Yum Brands is Taco Bell's parent company, along with Pizza Hut, KFC, Long John Silvers, and A&W Restaurants. Yum's five national brands make it the largest restaurant company in the world... yes, larger than McDonalds! As such, it has tremendous power and responsibility to help clean up labor abuses in its supply chain, but to date Yum has refused to take meaningful steps to improve labor standards for the thousands of farmworkers who toil in sweatshop conditions to pick the tomatoes that go into Taco Bell's products.
That's why members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and their allies travel once again this coming May 20th to Louisville, KY for the annual shareholders meeting at Yum Brands' headquarters, where last year a whopping 43% of Yum's shareholders voted in favor of a resolution in support of farmworkers' demands.
Farmworker allies in Louisville will hold a week-long series of rolling fasts outside of Yum! Brands headquarters building up to May 20th, continuing the fasts begun by students fighting to "Boot the Bell" from campuses around the country earlier this spring.
Please visit the CIW website at
www.ciw-online.org for updates and more information! Remember to e-mail
workers (at) ciw-online.org to let us know you'll be fasting in solidarity with farmworkers!