LOCAL Review :: Miscellaneous
Anti-Recruitment Effort at Navy Pier May 15, 2004

Combat Arms:
Infantry- As demanding as it is exciting, infantry is what most people think of when they think about “Marines.” Jobs include riflemen, light armored vehicle crewman, mortarman, machinegunner, reconnaissance, and antitank missile operator.
Translation- As demanding as it is mortally dangerous, infantry is what most Iraqis and other victims of US Imperialism fear about “Marines.” Jobs include effectively killing from an impersonal distance, bulldozing civilian property, playing cowboys and Indians (but with actual weapons), information exploitation, and friendly fire practice.
Combat Support-Armor and artillery are critical when it comes to accomplishing the Marine Corps’ mission. Jobs include field artillery canoneer, tank crewman, and amphibious assault vehicle crewman.
Translation- Armor and artillery are critical when it comes to carrying out the commander in chief’s personal vendetta. Jobs include operating death machines, maintaining moral sanity under cramped tank conditions, and learning how to separate personal ethics from what is instructed.