March on the Pentagon June 5, 2004!
Bring the troops home now!
All foreign troops out of Iraq!
End the Occupation of Palestine!
Support the Palestinian right of return!
U.S. OUT of Haiti, Korea, Afghanistan, Philippines, Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela
CHICAGO BUSES board Friday, June 4, at 5:30 p.m. at Columbus Drive south of Monroe, behind the Art Institute. We will travel at night to D.C., participate in the demonstration, reboard the buses, and return to Chicago, arriving back at the Columbus Drive starting point around 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 6. (This is the same plan as for past Washington demonstrations.)
Note: we are NOT going to assign seats on individual buses this time. If your group wants to make sure it sits together, you should arrive before the buses do so that you can board as a group. Organize in your neighborhood! Hand out flyers at your own school, church, grocery, etc. Downloadable flyer in PDF format (392 KB) is above.
Purchase tickets: On line, by credit card: We accept payments using We have been using this for a year and have found it a secure and reliable system. Most of the tickets to our major mobilizations have been sold via PayPal.
For instructions, go to By mail: Send a check for $80 per ticket, before Friday, May 21, payable to Chicago ANSWER, mail to: Chicago ANSWER
27 N. Wacker Dr. #223
Chicago, IL 60606
See also: for logistical information on the national march including program, speakers, parking, bus dropoff points, weather, etc.
Also if you or your group would like to endorse the June 5 March on the Pentagon you can do so at