Energy well spent.
You might note the original backside of our great seal below.

To All Anarchists:
It would seem to me the amount of time protesting the war and trashing the streets could be better spent. Don’t get me wrong; I think the wars in UN-founded, UN-necessary and UN-American.
Un-founded because; Iraq posed no threat to US.
UN-necessary because; they had no weapons of mass destruction since Desert Dust #1. Sure during the 1980’s they had plenty of them. WMD we knew all about because WE sold them to Iraq. But with UN observers, CIA advisors, and military command we destroyed of made inoperable everything they had.
UN-American because according to the Monroe Doctrine which has never been repealed, just ignored, we are NOT the world police nor should we be.
UN because, the United Nations was founded by communists to further communist goals throughout the world. To bring about a one-world government, or as Bush Daddy called it the New World Order.
Our wonderful Republic has been slowly turned into a socialist democracy. We were founded as a Republic, NOT a democracy. Communism often disguises itself as a democracy. Democracy is mob rule. If 51% of the people are lazy and want the other 49% to subsidize their laziness out of their pocket, guess who looses? The 49% that have to work and slave to support their lazy butts.
Socialism has mbeen tried all around the world and it just doesn’t work, not even in the US. Maybe I should say America. Yes I did say America, early settlers tried a form of socialism. Farmer Jones would grow wheat, farmer Smith would grow corn, and farmer Johnson would grow cabbage and so on. It would be kept in a food bank of sorts where everyone had credit for what he grew. Sounded great, looked great on paper, but it nearly got them all killed.
Turns out farmer Jones was kind of lazy and didn’t keep the weeds out of his crop. The weeds over took the wheat and it died. Farmer Smith was a little lazy and planted to late, and didn’t water enough and his corn burned up. Farmer Johnson sat on his butt and never planted, etc. They all nearly starved to death some did starve. So much for socialism in America. It teaches people to depend on the almighty state instead of themselves and the Ever-Living God Yahweh. Don’t worry this isn’t a sermon.
Very powerful individuals such as the Rottenfellers… I mean Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc., have gotten themselves into places of control within America. Baron Rothschild once said “I care not who makes the laws as long as I control the money.” The bankers have financed both sides in every single war in the US. The bankers always win. If a country doesn’t pay their debts, they will finance another country to go to war with them and make millions.
The UN is NOT a peacekeeper. It has fomented war in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Dust #1, dozens if a hundred skirmishes around the world, only to set up communism or a dictator in them all. The UN is NOT our friend. We have had to pay over ¾ of the operating expenses for decades. It works for a NWO with the UN in charge. It pushes for redistribution of wealth, taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. What do you think NAFTA and all this free trade garbage is? Taking our manufacturing jobs by sending the factories to Mexico, China, India, etc.
Our energies could be much better spent establishing a Common Law Court in our counties. Common Law is Constitutional Law. We have not had a Common Law Court convened in this country since 1936, unless the, people convened it themselves. The courts we have today are Admiralty Maritime contractual courts administering the bankruptcy of America. (See: The Secret Admiralty Jurisdiction in the United States Exposed)
The whole book that contains Common Law procedure, administration and law is less than 300 pages. The states and US Rules of Procedure and statutes cover hundreds and hundreds of volumes, go look in a legal library. Under the Common Law, Constitutional Law, based on God’s law the 10 Commandments, if there is no injured party, there is no crime. Think of all the money, all the time spent in jail across this nation, by people that haven’t hurt anyone. It is all about money and power over US.
It takes only about 60 people to get a Common Law Court operating well. It is a superior jurisdiction to the CORPORATE STATE and UNITED STATES courts. That’s right we no longer have a real Constitutional De jure government. What we have is Limited Liability Corporations functioning as a De Facto government over US. (See: The United States Isn't a Country; It's a Corporation! by Lisa Guliani) If you are charged with a corporate crime, and quickly have the case heard in Common Law Court, and then file it into the record of the Admiralty Court, The Judge will dismiss it. He can’t afford for the fraud of what he is doing to be found in his court records.
Another thing to consider; these thugs who have committed Felony Perjury of Oath by passing laws that are destroying the Constitution, are guilty of HIGH TREASON. Under Constitutional Common Law, High Treason is still punishable by: Hanging By The Neck Until Dead! We need to take this country back county-by-county, state-by-state or die trying.
George Washing one said “the government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is not freedom, it is FORCE” (paraphrased) Protests one of our inalienable Rights. Rights are given to us, not by the state, but by God. It is illegal to take a right and turn it into a privilege, and tax you for it. (Think of your Right To Travel.) The Law of Latches states: if you do not use your Rights… you LOOSE THEM (emphasis mine). Still the same protests don’t mean squat to them. They have riot squads and the national guard that know very well how to put down any protest, at the cost of our Rights, safety, and to our wallet. The only thing the powers that be fear is FORCE. Why do you think they keep passing new gun laws, and waving the crime rate and shootings at us, they want to take our weapons. They would DESTROY the 2nd Amendment if they could, and the sooner the better. That is why we have a 2nd Amendment, NOT for hunting ducks or sport shooting, but to protect ourselves from a government out of control.
We MUST act and act quickly before we are all on a watch list or declared enemy combatants and held incommunicado, without trial, until the war on terrorism is over. That’s the law these days. They have over 300 concentration camps recently built or refurbished, just for that. They have issued military manuals for civilian inmate labor programs on military bases (See my Concentration Camps In America For Americans).
I can’t emphasize enough although protest is not wrong, our energies could be spent much more productively organizing other activities and groups to tackle these problems. These people in their ivory towers (so to speak), could care less about us, most of us are considered expendable anyway. They made AIDS, HIV, HTLV 1,2,3,and Ebola as population controls (See my series: The Man Made Plague). I have documents showing they planned to reduce the world population to less than 1 billion around the 2000 or shortly thereafter. If we are expendable we might as well expend ourselves taking this country back, and bringing them to JUSTICE. There are a LOT more of us than there are of them.
As far as anarchism goes a war zone is anarchism. Laws protect us from those that care not what they steal or do to you or your family. Laws serve a purpose. The Common Law is very harsh to those who injure others. If YOU sat as a justice in Common Law Court, what sentence would you impost against a murderer, rapist, or a violent thief, get the point. You CAN sit as a justice in Common Law. That’s what the Common Law is about JUSTICE, not money and power over the masses.
Spend your energies WELL.