Putting an end to "discrimination" and "racism" is very simple.

How to End Racial Discrimination
By: Steven Barry
Putting an end to "discrimination" and "racism" is very simple. Isolate Whites from the rest of the Global Community.
Because Whites are inherently evil, and are the cause of all Negro, Mestizo -- ad nauseam -- miseries, they should not be permitted to participate in the
joys of "rich diversity." Whites are obviously not ready for the miraculous utopia of "multiculturalism." Their bad attitude "creates a climate of hate."
The wicked White race must be isolated if multiculturalism is to realize its full potential. I know that sounds harsh, but the future of diversity, the only
hope for mankind, is at stake here.
Despite decades of "teaching tolerance" in schools and churches, subversive elements of the sinister White race persists in being intractable about their
deracination. This situation is intolerable! They must be isolated, or they'll wreck everything. "Inclusiveness" is not for them.
Again, I know that sounds harsh, but what else can we do? We've tried and tried to educate that poisonous race. Still Whites discriminate. Now is the time
for hard decisions. Away with them! And soon, before they ruin what we've accomplished.
Here is my solution to White racism.
Since America was created by maliciously racist Whites, and every institution here is inherently racist and discriminatory, leave this evil to them. Let
Whites wallow in the misery they created. They deserve it!
Everybody who loves diversity and tolerance should move to South Africa, Mexico, Central and South America, the Middle East, India, Asia -- and yes, above
all, Israel.
In fact, I think Israel, the very model of diversity and tolerance, could be the new, bright diversity beacon for the world. In fact, we should take the
Statue of Liberty with us to Tel Aviv. Whites do not deserve it.
All races, colors, creeds, sexual orientations, ad infinitum, should go to Israel and show everybody just what diversity and tolerance means.
But not Whites. Whites are destroyers. Their inbred malignancy breeds hate wherever they go. And we, as lovers of mankind and brotherhood, must allow none
who hate to live among us.
In fact, my fellow brother lovers, in order for our plan to be successful; in order to punish Whites as much as possible, we must deport whites from wherever
we settle. Send them all to racist America!
For example, South Africa can deport all those malignant White Boers, those exploiters of the poor Negro, to America to live among other Whites. That will
teach them!
How dare Whites inflict their Western Civilization upon us. The very model of intolerance! We'll have none of that. Fie! A pox on them! Let Whites wallow in
their "civilization" in isolation. We want diversity. We demand diversity.
So, to Africa! To Asia! Deport their sinister Whites to America. To Israel! Motherland of diversity and tolerance for all mankind.
Brotherhood lovers are trapped in this racist, White created hell called America. Our salvation lies in the multicultural paradise of the Southern
hemisphere. We demand the right of return!
Either that, or we'll riot.