Dear CAN TV friends,
This past week you have been contacted to call Mayor Daley and your alderman to ask their support for Alderman Stone's ordinance on the funding of CAN TV.
Recently we have been advised that it would be more effective to write Mayor Daley asking for support on this issue.
Could you please print and sign the letter below and mail or fax it to his office. His fax number is
(312) 744-8045. His address is listed below.
Mayor Richard M. Daley
Room 507
121 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, Illinois 60602
When you do send your letter, could you please notify CAN TV.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (312) 738-1400. Or check out for more information.
Thank you for your ongoing support for this issue.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Mayor Richard M. Daley
Room 507
121 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Dear Mayor Daley:
The City of Chicago created CAN TV to give voice to its citizens. CAN TV’s future is now at risk because of failing cable competition in the City. I am urging you to support the ordinance introduced May 5, 2004 by 50th Ward Alderman Bernie Stone for funding of CAN TV. The people of Chicago are relying on the City to safeguard this valuable community resource in the future.
[your name here]