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Chicago Indymedia

News :: Prisons


Tre's next hearing is Tueday, May 11th, at 10am in Vancouver. The hearing is to establish if he is admissible to Canada. He needs our pressence, our prayers, and funding for his attorneys.
I just got off the phone with Tre:

First off he wanted me to let everyone know how deeply grateful he is for all your hard work, love and support. Our Light, prayers and love pierce the jail walls and sustain him, and he is more grateful than he can say. He wants you all to know how very much your support means to him

Tre needs two things:

1)He needs folks to be present, in person or in spirit, for his hearing on the 11th, if you can not be present in body, pleases, please focus your intention that he a) be found admissible to Canada(he must first be found admissible to Canada before he can proceed with his refugee application)and
b) that he be awarded bail.
Our intentions do more good than we know, please hold Tre in the Lighte, and focus your energy on his being found admissable, and his being awarded bail.

2) He needs licenced, professional medical practitioners as resources for his, attorney, Rudi Kischer , who is working to get him the raw food he needs.
At this time Tre is asking that we send all information and referrals to his lawyer, and not address the jail directly at this time.
Rudolf J. Kischer

I can not emphasise enough that this case is not just about an attempt to silence one activist, it is part of an attempt to silence us all. Justice demands a voice, for where decent is a crime democracy is dead. We must stand together in solidarity if any of us ~or the Earth~ is to have even a shred of hope.



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