LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality : Globalization
Filipina Conference
Midwest Filipina Conference in Chicago this weekend!!!

The opening of the Midwest GABRIELA Network conference begins. Tuloy ang pakikibaka... The Struggle Goes On...
War, Labor Migraton, and Trafficking: A Focus on the Filipina
DePaul Student Center 2250 North Sheffield
Friday May 7th 7pm-9pm
Saturday May 8th 9am-4:30pm
Requested donation $10, sliding scale
Keynote speaker:
Ninotchka Rosca, founding chair of GABNet, international spokeswoman for Purple Rose Campaign Against the Sexual Trafficking of Filipinas, acclaimed writer, novelist, columnist, and lecturer.
M. Evelina Galang, author of Her Wild American Self, Fulbright Scholar, professor at Miami University.
Dr. Ligaya Lindio-McGovern, Filipina human rights researcher, writer, author of Filipina Peasant Women: Exploitation and Resistance.
Dorotea Augustin Mendoza, current Secretary General of GABNet.
Presented by GABNet Chicago and GABNet DePaul
co-sponsored by Political Science Department, University Ministry, Women and Gender Studies, Women's Center, and Women Open to Religious Diversity
GABRIELA Network Mid-West Conference
Tuloy ang Pakikibaka: *The Struggle Goes On
War, Labor Migration, and Trafficking: A Focus on the Filipina
Friday, May 7- Saturday May 8, 2004
DePaul University, Chicago, IL.
Friday, May 7, 2004
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Multi-Purpose Room (2250 N. Sheffield Ave.)
Cultural Night: Visual art, Spoken Word, Reading by M.Evelina Galang
Saturday, May 8, 2004
9:00am - 4:30pm
Multi-Purpose Room & 3rd floor rooms (2250 N. Sheffield Ave.)
Conference: Keynote Speaker Ninotchka Rosca addressing gender and the War on Terror. Plenary discussing trafficking, mail-order bride, domestic workers, Filipino comfort women.Workshops include cultural organizing, domestic violence in the Filipino community, perspectives in anti-imperial organizing from feminist, religious, queer, student perspectives.
$5 - $10 food donation