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Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Animal Rights

about un-American activities

and American activities
American Auschwitz.jpg
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fuck farnheit 911.jpg
American means to kill 300.000 Iraqi conscripts in 1993 to let Hussein finally in power
American means to betray Shiites to Hussein and back up the abolition with result of 200.000 killed Shiites in 1993
American means to kill over 1.000.000 Iraqis in concequence of a twelve year embargo
American means to kill over 100.000 Afghans in conequence of an illegal raid
American means to jail eleven year old kids as 'Terrorists' in Guantanamo
American means to jail and torture foreigners in Guantanamo without any accusation and law
American means to lie to whole world and UNO to start a raid on Iraq based on fictional threats
American means to disregard international law
American means to disregard completely Geneva Convention
American means to disregard preventive International Court of Justice to hedge future American War crimes
American means to kill over 60.000 Iraqi conscripts in the raid in 2003 founded on lies about WMD
American means to kill over 15.000 Iraqi civilians to gain access to oil
American means to raze a nation to the ground

and American means to torture and assassinate people as sub human beings "They're all animals" because they don't

celebrate their murder as deliverer

I am proud to be un-American

PS: farnheit 911 - not released for american simple minded



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