LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Thursday, May 6: Emergency Vigil for Peace at Water Tower Plaza
When: Thursday, May 6, 2004 at 6:00 PM
Where: Water Tower Plaza, Chicago and Michigan
Join Us in Opposing the Escalating Violence in Iraq
Thursday, May 6, 2004 at 6:00 PM
Water Tower Plaza, Chicago and Michigan
Please Bring Candles to commemorate the lives lost.
Since Bush declared the "mission accomplished" in Iraq nearly one year ago on May 1, 2003, 670 U.S. soldiers and an estimated 10,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed.
In April alone, an Associated Press report estimates over 1,000 Iraqi civilians and 135 U.S. soldiers have died that is, more soldiers than were killed during the six weeks of "major combat" during the US-led invasion. Even as violence and casualties continue to escalate, we are told we must stay the course.
But the present course is bringing neither peace nor democracy to Iraq. And it is making us less safe at home.
Remember with us those who have lost their lives, their mothers, their sons, or their homes to this war. Join us in sending a message to our leaders thatour unilateralist course must change if there is to be real peace andjustice for the people of Iraq. Already too many have suffered for this mistake.
Join us this Thursday, May 6th at 6:00 PM at Water Tower Plaza (Chicago and Michigan) in remembering those lost throughout the conflict and calling foran end to the U.S. military occupation of Iraq. For the sake of the Iraqi people and that of U.S. service members, this spiraling violence must end.
Please share this vigil announcement with others and please bring candles to the vigil.
- This vigil is sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee.
American Friends Service Committee
Peacebuilding Program
637 S. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60605